Forty seven.

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I was on the phone with Emma when Ashton barged into my apartment, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes cold. I gave him a questioning look but he avoided my gaze and walked to my bedroom, ignoring my calls of his name.

"Hum, I'm sorry Emma but I have to go right now, I'll call you later, okay?" I said before hanging up.

I hesitated for a second before getting up. Was he mad at me? Again? After the night we had? But why?

I started chewing on my bottom lip and shakily made my way over to my own bedroom. The door was closed and I knocked on it before remembering that I was in my apartment.

Ashton was lying on his stomach on my bed, his head buried in my pillow, his arms crossed under his chest. I suddenly noticed that he was wearing a white button-down, along with his signature black skinny jeans.

It was unusual enough for me to start worrying about that Marilyn for a second. Why did he feel the need to dress nicely for her? Did he ever wear a shirt for me? I didn't think so... My mouth went dry.

"Ashton?" I weakly asked, unable to swallow the lump in my throat.

He didn't answer but I could feel his whole body heave up and down as he breathed, his whole being radiating rage.

"What happened?" I tried again, hoping that he would answer me this time because I was really close to losing it. I heard muffled noise but was completely unable to make out the words as the pillow absorbed them. "I huh... I can't hear you."

"They want me to hide you," he angrily sighed as he turned his head to the side to allow the sentence to come out of his mouth properly.

It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders and a big smile made its way on my face without me even noticing. I slowly walked closer to him and sat on the edge of the bed before turning my body to him.

"What did they tell you?" I tried to make him talk.

He let out a long sigh and didn't say anything at first. I didn't want to push him, I just wanted him to know that I was here for him, and I wanted him to want to tell me exactly how he felt. I wanted him to need me.

I gently crawled over to him and moved my right legs to the other side of his body before sitting on the very top of his thighs. I hesitated before placing my palms over his shoulder blades. He tensed under me and I bit down on my bottom lip as I started moving my thumbs and applying pressure on the skin.

He seemed to relax and I ran my hands down his back at a slow pace, trying to find the tensed areas and to focus on them. A small content sigh left his lips and I smiled before leaning in and pressing my lips against the back of his neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I murmured, letting him know that I was here to listen to him if he needed someone.

"They think that it's not going to be good for our image if we're not all single... Or at least pretend to be," he explained and I kept massaging his back, encouraging him to continue. "I can't even believe Michael accepted... I- I can't fucking believe they had the nerves to even ask! Like for fuck's sake, it's music we're making! Who the hell cares whether we're single or not! It's completely ridiculous!"

"It's just... I mean, I understand why you'd be mad but I really think they're just trying to make this work," I sweetly replied, leaning in again to kiss his hair.

"I know, I just need some time to wrap my head around it... and I... I feel bad," he confessed.

"Feel bad? Why would you feel bad?" I asked as I let my hands travel back up to his shoulders.

The Sweet Silver Song || An Ashton Irwin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now