Thirty nine.

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"You guys aren't mad at me for not telling you?" I hesitantly asked as I looked first at Linda, and then at Emma.

The three of us were enjoying breakfast at Emma's, and I had just told them everything that had happened in the past few weeks, except for the little incident with Greg at the club the day before. I still didn't know how I was going to deal with that.

"No, of course not! Obviously you had other things to think about, you were under pressure, you were lost, of course we're not mad!" Linda assured me and Emma nodded as she smiled at me and sipped on her coffee.

"I'm just so impressed with the way you handled it all... Like, we didn't see anything coming, you were doing your blog in the meantime and we literally didn't suspect anything!" Emma said and I felt love spread in my whole body as my friends took the news the best way they could have.

I sat back in my chair and shook my head as a smile appeared on my face and I took my cup of tea in my hands before drinking it. I didn't know why, but I felt like this day was going to be a good one. We were all a bit tired as we didn't sleep a lot, but none of us cared.

Ashton didn't have to go to the studio for the first day in a while, so we had decided that we would spend the day together. Their single was coming out in a two weeks, and he was more excited than I had ever seen him.

After telling the girls about the events, I started ranting about my feelings, how I felt in my apartment, how I felt in my relationship, how Ashton had been holding back ever since he had learned what had happened.

"Quite frankly, I understand that he's on his guard... I know it's hard for you, but you have to put yourself in his shoes for a second..." Emma said and I nodded at her words. I had to agree with her on that.

"Yeah, that boy loves you to death, so don't worry, he'll come around, but you gotta give him time, and make sure you do things absolutely right in the meantime" Linda added and that's when I decided that I had to tell him about Greg.

Yes. I loved him, and I had to show him. I had to show him I trusted him, I had to show him that I was ready to fight to keep him. I smiled at her and thanked her with my eyes, even though she didn't know how much she had just helped me.

I didn't want to spend too much time getting dressed as I was impatient to go back to Ashton; I didn't know if he was going to be at my place, at his, or even at one of his bandmate's, so I decided to text him to ask him.

Good morning, love! You awake? Xx

Well your text just woke me, but it made me smile so I'm not mad xx

Oops... If you tell me where you are, I can be here in a few minutes and wake you up with cuddles xx

My flat but the boys are here :/

In your bed?

Luke, yeah

I'll push him off

Emma brought Linda back home before driving me to Ashton's apartment. I thanked her for being so understanding and hugged her goodbye before getting out of her car and walking to my boyfriend's front door. I was about to knock but decided to try the handle and as the door wasn't locked, I let myself in before quietly shutting the door behind me.

The apartment was absolutely silent and I took my shoes off before tiptoeing toward the bedroom. The door was only half closed and I pushed it open; the curtains weren't shut and daylight was flooding the room, allowing me to clearly see on which side of the bed Ashton was. He wasn't lying, Luke was on the other side, shirtless and sprawled on his back, and a small smile appeared on my face as I heard that he was lightly snoring.

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