Forty six.

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I kissed Ashton goodbye and asked him to text me when he was finished, as I thought I would be a lot longer than him. I wasn't really excited at the thought of going to the police station, again... I just knew I had to do it; but the two policemen who were in charge of the case weren't the warmest people in the world, and I wasn't in the mood for confusing people at the moment.

I was pleased to see that a friendly woman was actually going to take my complaint. She sat behind an old computer, and motioned for me to sit on a chair in front of her. She then started asking precise questions, it was obvious that she knew what she was talking about, and that she had read the file concerning this case. I just answered as precisely as I could, and repeated each time she asked me to. I was comfortable around her, she didn't make me feel like I may have been responsible for it all, or like I could be lying.

Ashton's POV :

My phone's GPS was guiding me through the streets of Sydney. Marilyn had sent me an address where she asked me to meet her, so that we could discuss an important point, that she had refused to mention over texts.

I finally reached my destination; I lifted my eyes from my phone and frowned as I found myself in front of a little café. I looked around and checked the street name and the number, as I thought that I had a made a mistake somewhere. I checked the text again, to make sure that I hadn't misread it when someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey, Ashton."

Marilyn was standing right behind me, a huge smile on her red-painted lips. She was wearing a tight white dress that complimented both her summer tan, and her generous curves. She was wearing crème high heels that made her legs look a lot longer than the one time I had seen her before.

I smiled at her and she gave me a quick but warm hug before leading me inside the little coffee shop, and to a small table in the corner. A waiter immediately came to us and we both ordered little sandwiches.

"How are you doing, Ashton?" she asked, with another one of her Colgate-commercial smile.

I had no idea how old she was, she didn't look that much older than me, but she did treat me like she was my superior somehow. I think it was in the tone she used with me, like she was my mom or my doctor or my boss, which she probably thought she was.

"I'm good, thank you, how are you?" I asked back in an attempt to shake that distance away.

"Oh, I'm good." She replied, winking at me just as the waiter came back with our orders.

"Umh, okay, so there was something you wanted to discuss..." I prompted, as she didn't seem ready to start that conversation just yet.

"Yeah... Huh, I don't know if you know that, but if your promo works well in England, a management team will be put together, and I will become your PR manager," she announced with a smile.

Did she ever stop smiling? Her cheeks must be so sore at the end of the day.

"Oh, that's amazing, congratulation!" I replied, as I didn't understand why the other boys were not here, too, to hear about that news.

Surely it was good, right? It meant that they thought we were going to get big, right? It meant they had faith in us, if they were ready to involve more people in it.

"Oh, thank you! But I asked you to come here for another reason, actually... Okay, I don't really know how to tell you this, but... We know that you and Michael have met your soulmates already, and that you are in steady relationships," she started and my gaze narrowed as I waited for her to continue. "The thing is, we've been watching your fans on social media, and not only are they really passionate, which means that you guys are probably going to make it... But they also seem kind of young and...possessive or obsessive? Or caring? I don't know what the right word would be..."

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