Thirty four.

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I was awaken by loud knocks on my front door. I groaned as I turned around to look at the clock. 9 a.m. I looked at Ashton and smiled as I saw that he was still sleeping, I had never met someone who was such a heavy sleeper. His lips were slightly parted and one of his hands was reaching toward me while the other was resting upon his own chest.

I quietly got up, put my sleepers on and wrapped a robe around my body as I was only wearing my underwear. The knocking got louder and I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I closed the door to the bedroom to make sure Ashton wouldn't wake up before walking to the front door.

I opened it and the two cops who had interrogated me the day before were standing in front of me, hands in their pockets.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked as politely as possible; it was way too early for that.

"Hello, Miss Barnes. Sorry to bother you at such an early hour but there's something we would like to check if you don't mind letting us in" the taller one said and I stepped to the side as they both walked in.

I made some coffee while they sat around my table and I came back with three cups before sitting in front of them. I silently sipped on mine as I waited for them to talk.

"We're here because we would like to verify something that your friend told us" they said and I slowly nodded as I still had no idea what they wanted... Couldn't they just go straight to it? "He told us that they installed some cameras in your apartment that allowed them to stalk your every move"

My mouth fell open and I frowned as I tried to proceed what they were telling me. I was very confused. Where was Greg going with that? I started to think that the situation was going to turn back on me, and that it was all part of their plan.

"What? No there's no cameras-" I started but the quiet one stood up and walked toward the corner of the room before moving a chair, standing up on it and reaching toward the ceiling.

He came back to the table a few seconds later and placed the tiny camera he had just taken off in front of me. I brought both hands to my mouth as I looked at it and then up to them. It wasn't a lie; there were cameras in my apartment. They could see everything that I was doing from the very beginning.

"I didn't... Oh my god... I didn't know" I told them and they both looked at me with sympathetic expressions.

"We thought you wouldn't... You friend told us that there were seventeen of them in your apartment and he told us where they were; we have to take them off now, they're evidences and we can use them... Honestly, with that, the footages, your friend's confession and what you kept, he doesn't really stand a chance" the cop tried to reassure me but I was too shocked to respond. "We'll start with the bedroom" he added as he stood up and I immediately got back to reality.

"Oh huh wait... There's someone in there, I have to wake him up" I quickly let out before walking toward the bedroom.

I leaned in and placed a kiss on Ashton's forehead before slowly stroking his chest as I begged him to wake up. He slowly did and a smile appeared on his face as he wrapped an arm around my waist and tried to pull me on top of his body.

"No, Ashton... The policemen are here and they need to come to the bedroom" I told him and he opened his eyes as he frowned at me. "They discovered that Greg and Chris had placed cameras all around my apartment and they need to take them off" I explained as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"It's too early for this shit" he said in-between greeted teeth as he placed his feet on the ground and got up.

He found his shirt and pulled it over his head before taking a look at me, opening my drawers and throwing a shirt and sweatpants my direction. I gave him a questioning look and he pointed to my outfit with a scowl. I rolled my eyes and turned around before opening my robe and putting proper clothes on.

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