Twenty seven.

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I was awoken by a huge agitation the next morning and I let out a groan as I turned around and tried to burry my face in my pillow. I felt someone slowly pull on the covers and I fought to stay under them as I suddenly felt the bed dip beside me and two strong arms wrap around my stomach.

"Baby!!" Ashton sang in my ear once he'd successfully turned me around and placed my head on his chest.

"Can't you just let me sleep?" I asked and I felt him chuckle under me as he started to brush a few strands of hair out of my face.

"Nope! I just got some very exciting news!" He answered and I let out a sigh before reluctantly opening my eyes and looking up at him.

"I'm all ears" I said as I closed my eyes again, the morning light being too bright for my sleepy brain.

"WE'RE GOING TO LONDON" Ashton exclaimed and I jumped in surprise before widening my eyes and giving him a questioning look.

"What? When? Why?" I asked as I sat up to get a proper look at him.

"Next weekend! We're going to perform in London, can you believe that?" He said and the smile on his face in this exact moment was the most beautiful one I'd ever seen.

"Oh my god! That's insane! That's so great, Ashton! I'm so happy for you" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him. "But wait, how come? I mean, do you already have fans there?" I asked.

"Or so it seems! I don't know our manager just said that, you know, the word of mouth is really starting to work and that we already have a small fan base in London and so he thinks that performing there is going to open a lot of new doors for us" he explained and I bit down on my lip as I looked at him with excitement tin my eyes.

This was so huge; this was so big I couldn't even imagine how Ashton was feeling. I knew he never ever talked about his band becoming a big one; he always said that if they just had enough success to be able to make a living out of it, it would already be a great thing. But I knew that somewhere deep inside of him; he had that dream of becoming a well-known drummer; one that people would talk about for decades even after he died. And I didn't know if he even realized that he was really close to touching his dream with the tip of his fingers.

"That's so amazing! When are you leaving?" I said as I hugged him once more and stayed pressed to his body this time.

"In two days, he says he has to make sure we're not jetlagged for the show!" he replied as he placed his hands on the small of my back.

We stayed like that for quite a while; holding onto each other as we let the sunlight wash over our skins. I didn't want to move, ever. I wanted to be able to smell his scent for the rest of my life and feel his chest heave up and down under mine. I was comfortable here; it felt like nothing could happen; it was peaceful and full of hopes and promises.

"Isn't that big enough to celebrate with morning sex?" Ashton quietly asked after a while and I pulled away before giving him my best grossed out facial expression.

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