Forty eight.

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"Cheers!" I said as I clinked my glass with Ashton's and looked at him in the eyes. He didn't say anything and just looked at me with an amused smile on his face. "What?" I asked as I took a sip of the cheap wine I had just bought.

"Are you going to tell me what they told you or will I actually have to beg?" He asked with an amused tone and I felt blood rush to my face as I looked down at my plate and imagined my boyfriend begging for a second.

"They offered me a column... In the newspaper... Every month" I announced, carefully watching his reaction as a smile made its way on my face. I just couldn't hide my excitement.

"THEY WHAT?" he yelled as he parted his lips in shock.

"I know! They expect me to write something every month, whatever, really... Just the way I already do on my blog, isn't that amazing!" I added, "You can call me Carrie Bradshaw now!" I joked.

I opened my mouth in an overdramatic way as I saw his confused expression.

"No, wait... You don't know who Carrie Bradshaw is?" I asked and he shook his head, false embarrassment on his face.

"Nope, never heard of her, but I'm sure she's nice, whoever she is!" he replied as he shrugged.

"Okay, we're so watching Sex And The City tonight!" I announced as I pointed my forefinger toward him.

"Oh god, no... please..." he let out in a sigh as he looked up at the ceiling. "Anything but that," he insisted.

"Huh huh, you're not getting out of it!" I answered and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah... We'll see," he replied as he suggestively licked his lower lip.

I shook my head before clearing my throat and standing up to go fetch the pizzas in the kitchen. I couldn't believe just how happy I was at the moment. I had everything I had ever wanted, and more... I knew Ashton was going to leave in a few days, but I tried not to think too much about it, and I knew we were going to be okay anyway.

I also knew that I would hear about the Chris and Greg case but I finally felt strong enough to handle it and stand my ground in front of them both. I also had to talk to my parents about getting a new apartment with the girls, but I doubted that was going to be a problem... And then we would have to actually search for a place that was going to make the three of us happy... And I actually was pretty excited about it.

I also felt like the whole column proposition couldn't have come at a better time, as it was going to keep me busy and feeling useful while Ashton was going to be away living and chasing his own dreams.

We ate and drank until we were completely full, and then made our way to the couch where we lied in each other's arms.

"Sex And The City?" I asked into his chest as he ran his hands up and down my back.

"No," he simply answered before taking my chin in-between his thumb and forefinger and tilting my head up. He slowly leaned in and then pressed his lips against mine, holding me closer to him as he deepened the kiss. "We have much better things to do," he murmured.

"Like what?" I asked and he bit down on my bottom lip before gently tugging on it.


He shifted until I was lying in-between his legs and placed his hands on my backside before giving it a firm squeeze. I let out a breathless moan and I felt him smirk as I moved my hips and tried to create some friction.

"Can we do it here?" I shyly asked as he brought a hand to my nape and held my head in place as he slid his tongue inside my mouth.

"You wanna do it here?" he cheekily replied and I felt myself blush some more at his tone. I shakily reached for the hem of his shirt and started inching it up his torso as he started kissing my jaw. "Hmm? Do you?" he insisted and that's when I realized he wasn't going to let it go.

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