Fifty, finale

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His lips were everywhere. On mine at first, then on my neck and collarbone, wrapped around each of my nipples, just above my navel, against my thighs, on my clitoris... My back was arched from the bed, my hands gripping the sheets as I parted my lips and let out heavy breaths.

We were taking our time, touching each other, trying to memorize the other's body, the way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he moved on top of me. There wasn't any handcuffs or blindfold this time, just us two, naked and loving each other.

He ran his tongue down my folds and to my entrance; he circled it a few times before plunging the tip of his pink muscle inside me. I screwed my eyes shut and my hands reached for his on my stomach as I tangled my fingers with his.

"This is so fucking good," he murmured as he wrapped his lips around my clitoris again and started sucking on it.

My breath got stuck in my throat and I tightened my fingers on his as I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was beautiful, he was more beautiful than a Greek god, more beautiful than anyone I had ever fantasied about, more beautiful even than the princes I pictured in my head when I read tales as a kid.

"Ashton," I moaned, the sound barely passing my lips as I tried to pull myself together.

I could feel my insides tightening, my legs start to tremble, and as amazing as that felt, I only craved him at the moment... I needed him with me more than I needed to come. I reached down and cupped his face before slowly tugging him away from me.

"Come here," I murmured before pressing my lips against his. "How do you do that?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck; "how are you so amazing?" I added just as I felt his tongue start to penetrate my mouth.

We kissed until our lips were sore. We kissed until we were both too intoxicated to even remember who we were, his body on top of mine, nothing separating us, ever. My hands traveled down his back and to his backside, my fingertips gently digging into his flesh as I tried to bring him closer to me; he couldn't seem to be close enough.

"That's because I'm in love with you," he eventually replied as he pulled away, giving us both the chance to catch our breath; "and maybe also because you're in love with me."

"I want it to be that way forever," I said as I lifted my head and placed my lips on his collarbone. I know I didn't have the right to mark him, and I didn't even want to, I just wanted to feel his skin, again and again.

"Let it be that way forever," he replied before bringing one of his hands to my left breast. "I can feel your heart against my fingers," he said as he placed his forehead on mine. "I really want to take you now."

"When you come back you'll be able to not wear condoms anymore, I saw a doctor, I'm getting on the pill" I informed him, my eyes in his.

"Are you trying to convince me not to go?" he replied with a smile and I shook my head before bringing his lips to mine again.

He kissed me for another minute before pulling away and taking the foil packet that he had placed on the bedside table an hour before. He slowly opened it and unrolled the condom on his erected member before placing his elbows on each side of my head and placing his tip at my entrance.

He planted his eyes on mine and slowly entered me, letting me feel him, inch by inch, his gaze holding mine, looking into my soul. He stopped once he was as deep as he could be and just looked at me for a few seconds, his lips parted just above mine. He then started moving, sliding out and then in again at a fairly slow pace, making sure not to break the special connection that was between us.

I wrapped my arms behind his back and applied pressure until he stopped holding himself up on his forearms and just pressed his chest against mine. He started moving a bit faster, his lips sucking on my neck as small moans started to escape my lips.

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