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“Are you sure you’re okay? You look really pale right now” Ashton asked as soon as we’d stepped outside; a frown forming on his face as he intently looked at me.

“Yeah just huh… I don’t know it was just all too much inside” I tried to explain; confusion taking over me as I didn’t understand why my body had reacted that way. “So how did it go?” I asked; referring to the little meeting the band just had with that guy.

“Can we please talk about that later?” he asked, unsure. I nodded; all I wanted was for us to just put this all behind.

“What happened to him? I mean… What did you do to Chris?” I asked; my voice came out stronger than I think it would and I mentally high-fived myself as a small satisfied smile appeared on my face.

“That’s the first thing you want to know?” he asked; genuinely surprised.

“Well… Yes” I answered and pain flashed across his eyes as he suddenly looked away and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Because after everything he’s done to you, you still care about him?” he said and it was almost a statement. Anger started to rise in my chest. It had nothing to do with me caring about him.

“No. Because he’s a human being and I need to know if I’m responsible for a broken nose or a murder.” I retorted; trying to stay as calm as possible but he wasn’t making it easy.

“You think I’d kill him?! And you’re not responsible for anything I’m the one who hit him.” He half-yelled. He still thought he hadn’t done anything wrong.

“I don’t know, Ashton! I don’t know, okay! Because I’d never thought you’d do what you did in the first place and I just don’t know how far you’re capable of going! And I’m responsible for thrusting you with something like that” I spat; all the anger I had bottled up finally coming out of my chest. He took a step back; as if I had pushed him before squaring his shoulders and flexing his biceps against his chest.

“Okay this won’t work if we don’t discuss it calmly… how in the world did you expect me not to do anything when I saw him?” he asked and I had to close my eyes and take a huge breath before answering.

“I made you promise you wouldn’t do anything. Before I told you the whole story; I don’t know if you remember but you promised. And I wouldn’t have told you anything if you hadn’t promised; meaning I did trusted you to keep your word. And you didn’t” I explained and sadness tinted my voice as I realized that I wasn’t really angry after all; I was mostly hurt.

He parted his lips and his eyes went to the floor as I think he finally realized what this was all about. He turned around and brought his hands to his face before running his fingers through his hair. He didn’t know what to say.

“What happened to him?” I asked again; my voice a lot softer this time and he didn’t turn around as he answered.

“I think he spent a day at the hospital… Maybe two. Just broken bones, though” he weakly said and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. That wasn’t too bad but I hoped he was okay, now. Ashton finally turned around and my eyes searched his but he wouldn’t look at me.

“I meant it. When I made that promise I really meant it and I thought I’d be able to keep it…. And I know this is no excuse but maybe I wouldn’t have broken it if he hadn’t been so cocky…. I mean did you hear him? He doesn’t regret what he did one bit!” he let out and it didn’t sound like he was trying to explain himself; he just seemed genuinely sorry and I did appreciate that.

“I know… And I kind of… I mean he scared me, to be honest but… Okay honestly I just needed you. I needed you to just be here for me and take me in your arms and tell me I was going to be alright but you just acted as if I wasn’t there and asked Greg to take me away and I just needed you” I broke down tears slowly escaping my eyes as my shoulders fell and I finally let my guard down.

He brought a hand to his mouth and looked up to the sky; he seemed chocked; and pained. I swiped my thumbs under my eyes and tried to dry my tears as I waited for him so say something.

“I’m so fucking sorry” he finally let out; “I’m so… Fuck! I didn’t know you were feeling that way; I would’ve… Fuck!” He wasn’t talking to me anymore; he just seemed really mad at himself and it hurt me to see him like that. That’s not what I wanted; I just wanted him to understand.

“Ashton” I called out; my voice weak and shaky. I waited for him to look at me. “I’m still scared” I added; trying not to sob and his hands fell to his side as he took a second to understand what I was trying to say.

He took a step toward me and made sure I didn’t flinch away before extending his arms and grabbing my hips. He pulled me to him and next thing I knew I was enveloped in the most comforting hug I’d ever received. I tried not to sob but tears starting running down my face and I couldn’t stop them anymore. He started to soothe my back and placed his forehead on my shoulder; breathing deeply.

“Shh baby; you’re alright; he won’t hurt you anymore; I’m here” he kept murmuring in my ear and somehow, I believed him. I pulled away after a few minutes and he seemed reluctant to let me go but I had something else in mind.

I knew my cheeks were wet and my lips a bit swollen but I didn’t care. I got on my tiptoes and angrily pressed my them on his; it’d been too long.

Ashton’s POV:

Her lips touched mine and one of my hands immediately went to the back of her neck as I held her close. I couldn’t describe the way it felt to finally kiss her; after all this time of not talking to her; of worrying she’d never want to see me again. I felt her small fingers tangle in my hair and she gently pulled on it; the feeling going straight to my groin and I placed my other hand on the small of her back; my fingers splaying on her shirt as I pressed her against me.

She let out the smallest moan and I let my tongue wander out of my mouth and past her lips. I wanted to back her up against the wall but I knew it wouldn’t be comfortable for her so I just kept kissing her here. She eventually pulled away and her lips immediately went to my jaw; she then started kissing down my neck. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back to expose more of my skin; a breath left my lip as she started sucking on the side of my Adam apple. I could feel all my blood rushing straight to my center.

“Not here” I let out; my words taking me by surprise as my arms were still holding her as close as possible. She didn’t seem to hear me and her fingers pulled the top of my shirt down as she started attacking my chest with her skillful lips. I was already getting hard and I knew she could feel it as she started rolling her hips into mine.

“Not here; Katy, please” I pleaded; I needed her to stop because it’d soon be too late.

“But what if I want you to fuck me here, Ashton?” she answered; her mouth brushing over my collarbone as she spoke and I felt my erection stir against my pants as I pictured it. Her tiny hands grabbing onto my tensed shoulders as I’d pound into her; my fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs as I’d try my best not to come too soon… Her walls pulsing around me… My name falling from her lips… And my teeth slightly biting into her collarbone as I’d finally let go…

“No” I let out; it was barely audible but I cupped her face and pulled her mouth away from me as I gulped and looked into her eyes. They were still slightly red and she looked so wild. “Trust me I do want it… But Katy you’re almost a virgin I don’t want to hurt you” I told her; my thumbs brushing over her softs cheeks as she seemed to understand what I meant. She blushed and bit down on her lower lip as her eyes focused on a random point behind me.

“Sorry” she muttered, embarrassed; and it took everything in me not to crash my lips on hers and just take her in this dirty dark alley.

“Don’t be sorry; baby. I’ll just take you home instead and make love to you for the rest of the night” I answered before pecking her lips and taking one of her hands in mine.

AN : Are you guys happy with the way it turned out? What do you think will happen next? We're amost at 10K read and I want to thank you all so much because that is HUGE and it's all thanks to you! I love you so much and I'll update soon ;) xx

IMPORTANT : The next chapter contains mature scenes and you have to follow me to be able to read it... I'm really sorry about that, that is just how Wattpad works :/

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