Thirty one.

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My eyes fluttered open and I groaned as I felt an intense pounding in my head.

"Katy?" My brother's voice called from beside me and I reluctantly turned my head to the side as I saw him smiling at me. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he sat up and placed a cold hand on my forearm.

"Hum... I have a huge headache but I'm good" I replied as I looked around.

I was in an hospital bed and curtains were cutting me away from what seemed to be a very big and busy room. I could hear the distant noise of machines and people running around and I was very happy I could be in a calmer place.

"You've been unconscious for about two hours; it's nothing too serious but they said they wanted to examine you once you'd woken up" Evan said and I nodded before suddenly remembering why I was here in the first place.

"Is every one okay? Where's Chris?" I hurriedly asked as I sat up in my bed.

"Hey, calm down... Everyone's safe, we'll talk about him later."

"Did they arrest him?" I asked.

"Huh... Yeah, kind of" he trailed and I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt myself start to shake.

"What do you mean kind of? Did they see the pictures and texts and stuffs?"

"Pictures?" he said as he gave me a questioning look.

"Yeah, on my computer" I stated and he seemed to understand as he nodded and took my hand in his.

"Oh yeah, Ashton talked about a text you sent him but huh... We couldn't access your computer, there's a password" he explained and I would have slapped myself was it not for the pounding in my head.

"But... What did they arrest him for, then?"

"He had drugs on him" my brother replied and I closed my eyes tightly as I let my head hit the wall behind me.

"You mean that they're not going to keep him and charge him for what he's done?" I asked and Evan brought both his hands to his shin, which usually meant that he was trying to stay calm.

"But what has he done? I mean, he attacked you again but obviously there's more to that story" he asked and I could sense anger in his voice although he was trying to contain it.

"I... Where is Ashton?" I asked and my brother gave me a cold look before letting out a small sigh.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you but he didn't really want to be here" he said and that's when I realized that no one actually had any idea what was happening. "Katy we're all really confused so if you could enlighten us that would be pretty fucking amazing" my brother added and I could tell that he was losing patience.

"Okay can you just call a doctor because I need to get out of here to explain it" I asked and he opened the curtain and told someone that I was awake before sitting back in his chair. "Is Greg okay?"

"Hum... He was quite badly injured but he's going to be okay; I think he needs nose surgery" my brother explained and I just didn't know what to think about it... He tried to stop Chris after all.

A nurse came in a few minutes later and examined me before telling me that I was all good to go home and that the bruises on my stomach would heal eventually. My brother hooked his arm under mine as he walked me to his car and helped me get in.

"Where to?" he asked.

"Mine, please" I replied and he nodded before starting the car; "Can I borrow your phone?" I added and he handed it to me without answering.

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