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AN : I know it's been forever and I am so sorry you had to wait this long to get an update! If you're following me on my blog, you'll know I've been having some troubles with my requests but it's all back to normal now and hopefully I'll update that a lot more often now!

I woke up smiling the next morning. I opened my eyes and the only thing on my mind was images of the previous night; Ashton's fingers on me, the things I felt, his words... Everything happened so perfectly. I brought a hand to my mouth to suppress the little giggle that threatened to escape; I didn't know why I was laughing; that was just something that happened each time I was so happy that a wild smile wouldn't be enough to express it.

Once I'd calmed down a little; I turned around and found myself face to face with a very sleepy and even cuter Ashton. I didn't check the clock but I knew it was probably already late in the morning as the sun was pretty far up in the sky. His hand was resting in-between our two bodies and I gently took it in my own before pressing a light kiss on his cheek.

"Hmmm..." he groaned as a smile appeared on his face. I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arm around me before shifting a little so that his back was on the bed and my head was resting on his chest.

"Oh no!" he suddenly said; his tone taking me by surprise as everything was so peaceful just a second before. I lifted my head up and looked at him as his eyes were glued to the ceiling.

"What is it?" I asked, suddenly worried that this might have something to do with what happened the day before.

"I wanted to get up early and make you breakfast in bed..." he explained and he seemed really disappointed in himself.

"It's fine, we can both have breakfast in the kitchen like normal people" I reassured, my hands coming up to his face and caressing his growing beard.

"Hmmm but I really, really wanted to; like I'd sworn to myself I'd do it" he replied and I smiled at how cute he was being.

"Well I can pretend I'm still asleep while you go to the kitchen and make breakfast if you want" I offered, my fingers now tracing imaginary lines on his chest.

"You'd do that?" he asked, his voice full of hope.

"Only if I get a kiss later" I smiled and he did too. He then got up and my head fell back on my pillow. I watched him disappear in the house and crossed my arms behind my head as I kept going back to the previous night.

He came back ten minutes later with a tray full of breakfast food; there were toasts, vegemite, Nutella, jam, cereals... It was way too much for the two of us but that also meant we had the choice to eat whatever we wanted. He came back in bed and placed the tray in-between the two of us before focusing his gaze on me. I started to become nervous as he didn't say a thing and I was wondering if I had dry saliva on the corner of my mouth but he suddenly moved around the bed so that I was sitting between his legs.

"How are you feeling?" he asked and I placed my hand on his thighs before looking up at him.

"Amazing" I answered and he leaned in and pecked my lips.

We stayed in bed for two more hours, eating, chatting and kissing. It felt right; there was no other way to describe it. Everything seemed to make sense for once, my life, my past... I started thinking about Chris again, but I wasn't as panicked this time; I suddenly felt strong enough to face things; and I even started imagining a meeting between the two of us, in which I'd just make it very clear that I now had a soul mate and he didn't hold any place in my life anymore. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes as I embraced that newly found safeness.

"What is running through that pretty mind of yours?" Ashton sweetly asked as he taped his forefinger against my temple. I looked up at him and shook my head before pressing my cheek against his chest again. He let out a slight sigh and I wasn't sure if that was just a random noise or if it meant something more.

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