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We ended up taking a quick trip to the supermarket and buying lots of fruits and a bikini for me. We pretty much spent the day on the beach; eating, playing in the water and making out occasionally. It felt nice to just relax and do nothing; for the first time since I'd met Ashton, it seemed like everything was absolutely fine; no secret, no holding back... Just two young adults having fun.

We eventually got back to Sidney and I invited Ashton over to stay at my place for the night but he had band practice and he explained that he couldn't really bail on his bandmates as they had already postponed it so that we could get away for the weekend. He stopped the car in front of my building and turned his head to me, his hand finding mine on my thigh as he laced our fingers together.

"What’s his name?" He asked, as if we'd never stopped talking about him.

"Does it really matter?" I gently asked, my thumb brushing over his knuckles as I tried to get his mind off of this story.

"Kind of... I don't know I just don't have any idea what he looks like and I just need to at least put a name on the idea I have of him" he explained and for some twisted reasons, I totally understood what he meant.

"Chris" I told him and he nodded before opening his door and getting out of the car. He walked me to my front door and I turned toward him before wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Thank you for this magical weekend" I murmured before getting on my tiptoes and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "Thank you for being so perfect" I added as I pulled away and pressed my right cheek against his chest. He didn't say anything but he held me close and it meant everything; he was still here.

"I'm going to be late" he stated as his grip loosened and I took a step back as he cupped my face with both his hands and kissed me passionately before walking back to his car.

I spent the night writing that day; I wrote about what happened, making sure I wasn't forgetting any details so that I could relive that weekend for the rest of my life; I wrote about love, about the idea of perfection; and I wrote about happiness.

Ashton's POV :

I drove as fast as I legally could to Calum's house where Luke and Michael were also supposed to be by now. I parked in front of the building and opened the front door without knocking.

"Hey mate!" Calum greeted as soon as he saw me; "how did it go?" He absentmindedly asked as he opened his fridge and handed me a beer.

"Amazing" I beamed, a huge grin appearing on my face as I couldn't hide my happiness any longer.

"Oh my god! So you did get laid!" He teased and I punched his shoulder as he started laughing uncontrollably.

"Shut up! It's not only about that!" I informed him but he wasn't really listening to me anymore anyway.

"Yeah sure! So what is she like in bed?" He retorted and I considered punching him in the face for a second but... well it was Calum, no one could really be mad at Calum, ever.

"I'm not answering that!" I exclaimed and he shrugged before walking toward his garage where band practice usually took place.

“By the way, Luke has some news, he didn’t tell us yet but he seems pretty excited” Calum called as I followed him closely. It was my turn to shrug as I wondered what on earth he could possibly tell us; but it was Luke we were talking about, he was probably going to say something really awkward and childish and that was exactly why we all loved him.

Michael and him were sitting on the small couch and Luke got up as soon as he saw us enter the room. He mentioned for Calum and me to go seat with Michael and stood in front of us, twisting his fingers in excitement as he waited for us to pay attention.

The Sweet Silver Song || An Ashton Irwin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now