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WARNING : This chapter contains really explicit content, please don't read if you're underage or if you don't feel comfortable with it.

"Heyy! You're here!" My mom greeted as soon as she saw us; she took me in her arms and gave me a long hug before turning to Ashton to do the same. I saw him smile and close his eyes as she rubbed his back before pulling away and guiding us toward the backyard where everyone was.

I immediately spotted my brother and almost ran to him before wrapping my arms around him; it felt like I hadn't seen him in ages and I had missed him more than I thought I would. He lifted me up from the ground and started spinning me around as I closed my eyes and laughed. It was good to be back home.

"How are you, loser?" he asked as he finally put me down and held me at arm length to look at me from head to toe.

"I'm good!" I answered before taking Ashton's hand in mine and pulling him toward me; "Huh, Evan, this is Ashton, and Ashton, this is Evan, my big brother" I announced and they both extended their arms before shaking each other's hand.

"Nice to meet you, man; I thought I'd never see that day" my brother joked and Ashton laughed as I rolled my eyes; "I'll make sure to have a seat next to yours at the table; there's a few things I'd like to discuss with you" he added with a wink.

"Yeah, no, no way!" I replied before dragging Ashton behind me as I walked toward the rest of my family and started to introduce him to everyone.

The barbecue was amazing, as always. My mom always chose the best skewers; and the sun shined all afternoon, as well. I placed my head on Ashton's shoulder after desert and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the warm feeling on my skin.

"It was delicious" he murmured as he placed a light kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah, it really was" I agreed before wrapping my arms around his waist. He smelt good and even though I knew he did; I had never truly taken the time to enjoy it before. "You ready to go?" I asked and he squeezed my waist before nodding and taking my hand in his.

We said goodbye to all of my family and both my parents told Ashton how happy they were that I found someone like him, which was funny because technically I didn't really find him but I kept my mouth shut as a big smile made its way on my boyfriend's face.

My brother walked us to the car and opened the door for me; which was unusual enough for me to frown and look at him with suspicious eyes. I placed one foot in the car and stopped dead in my track as a strong smell suddenly filled my nostrils.

"Oh no, you didn't!" I exclaimed as I stood up and stepped out of the car. I looked at my brother and he had one of his hands in front of his mouth as he tried hard not to laugh. But I knew him better than that.

My lips formed an 'o' as I looked inside the car and saw the source of the nasty smell on the backseat. It was so gross. I suddenly heard a stifled giggle behind me and my eyes widened as I turned to Ashton to see him unable to control his laughter.

"Are you serious?" I half-yelled and he giggled some more as I turned back to my brother and slapped his arm.

"Oh my god, you should have seen your face the second you recognized the smell... I wish I had had my phone in my hand to snap a quick picture!" he laughed and I crossed my arms over my chest as I suppressed a smile and kept acting angry.

"And you! Why would you put a huge piece of cheese that smells worse than a dead body in the backseat of your own car?" I asked Ashton and he bent down and placed his hands on his knees as he tried to recover his normal breathing before answering.

"Evan told me you would hate it and make a funny face and oh my I have to say I'm not disappointed" he answered in-between laughter and I shook my head before letting myself laugh with them.

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