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I stood in front of my floor length mirror, arms to my side and hair up in a messy bun as a heavy sigh left my lips. I turned around and grabbed the skirt that was laying on my bed before holding it against my body once again, turning to the side and trying to think about a top that would perfect the whole outfit but nothing came to my mind and I let the soft material fall to the floor before collapsing face first on my clothes-covered bed.

Today was supposed to be the most important day of my life, and I didn't seem to find anything acceptable to wear. I loved fashion and I usually had millions of ideas, the hardest thing always being to choose between the several perfectly sorted outfits that I could clearly picture in my mind; but today was different and everything in my wardrobe seemed inappropriate for some reason.

I checked the inside of my left wrist once again and my heart started beating faster as the black numbers indicated '9 hrs 58 min 31 s'; the fact that my life was going to change in less than 10 hours made my stomach twist in nervousness. I couldn't help but think that someone, not that far away from here; was probably having the same thoughts, bracing himself for the evening to come... Or maybe he wasn't, maybe he didn't care; just like I shouldn't.

We were all born with a tattoo on our left wrist; a countdown to the exact moment we would first look into the eyes of our soul mate; and I was going to meet mine tonight, around 8. My parents were soul mates; my grandparents were too; my brother had met his a few months ago and he'd been ridiculously in love since then. Everything around me seemed to work out just the way it was supposed to but I couldn't help but be really skeptical about the whole thing.

A part of me thought that people felt like they had to spend the rest of their life with the person that stood in front of them when their timer read 'O' and therefor convinced themselves that they were in love. Love was more than that to me; and no tattoo was going to tell me who I had to give my heart to, that was for sure.

I lazily got up and picked up a skater skirt, a warm sweater and a pair of tights before making my way over to the bathroom and locking the door; I made sure to not catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and simply got rid of my pajamas before hoping into the shower and waiting for the water to warm up.

I was dressed and finally satisfied with the way my hair and makeup looked when my phone started ringing on my bedside table; I grabbed it to see a picture of Greg, one of my greatest friends on the screen. I immediately picked it up and pressed the phone to my ear as a huge smile made its way to my lips.

"Hey, handsome!" I cheered and he chuckled on the other end of the line.

"Hey, single girl!" he answered on the same tone and I rolled my eyes at the nickname he'd chosen.

"You know you're still going to be able to call me that tomorrow, right?" I asked, my eyebrows raised as I waited for him to either brush it off or say something stupid, the way he always did when the subject was brought up.

"I actually wish I had recorded you every time you'd said something like that; you know, just to tease you about it once I catch you guys having cute little moments, or even having sex you know, 'cause like, we both know that's all you guys are going to be doing anyway, with your dirty mind and amazing bod-" he started rambling and I scrunched my nose in disgust before interrupting him.

"Okay, okay I get it! I swear if you called just to say stuff like that I'm going to hang up on you right now" I threatened but he laughed and the smile immediately reappeared on my face.

"Alright, no I actually called to tell you that one of my favorite local bands is playing in a kind of pub tonight and we're going!" he announced and I started jumping in my room because those were my favorite kind of nights, and I wasn't going to let a stupid timer ruin it.

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