Forty four.

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I lifted my head from the bed and gave him a warning look; he kept staring at me and didn't smile nor looked away. He seemed determined, and that made me anxious.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea..." I trailed off, trying to distract him by letting my fingers dance over his collarbones.

"Just a little chat, I promise that there will be no fight if he doesn't start one," he replied before leaning in to peck my lips, as if to say that the discussion was over.

"Look... I know that he was just trying to create problems between us, and that's why he said what he said about you, and I hate myself for listening to him, but I now know that he's got bad intentions and I'm going to talk to him and tell him that I'm not going to do what he asked me to do... And that's it, you don't have to see or talk to him," I explained with a smile but Ashton narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're kidding right?" he said as he searched traces of humor on my face. I frowned and lightly shook my head, trying to gauge his reaction. I really didn't want to fight with him again. He sat up against the bedframe and pulled me on top of him, making me straddled his thighs so that we were face to face. "I don't think that's a good idea, Katy," he calmly let out and I tried to keep an open mind as I waited for him to continue. "I'll talk to him, I can't promise it won't get verbally ugly, but I won't fight him, okay? I'll just get to the point."

"Why won't you let me tell him myself?" I asked. I knew there was a reason, but I wasn't sure I was going to like it. "I'm not going to let him manipulate me again, Ashton."

He gave me a sweet smile and leaned in to peck my lips but the corner of his lips fell back down as he saw that I was still expecting an answer. He let out a little sigh and placed his hands on my hips as he started rubbing his thumbs over my skin.

"I don't want you alone with him when he's going to learn that he'll go to jail for far longer than he expected to," he explained and I opened my mouth before closing it again.

"He won't hurt me, Ashton," I tried to reason him but he shook his head, as if to say that it wasn't negotiable.

"He did it before, not even that long ago."

"He was being blackmailed into doing it," I insisted.

"Yes, and he decided to hurt you to save himself some trouble... Nothing says he won't want to do it again!" he replied, scowling at me and my lips parted as I finally understood where he was coming from.

I hadn't seen things that way... And I didn't want to feel that way, but I had to admit that Ashton had a point... I had to remember that I couldn't trust Greg any more; that he wasn't the man I thought he was, and that I didn't really know him.

"What if you come with me? That way I can talk to him, and then I'll leave you two to talk," I offered with an inviting smile and he eyed me warily before nodding slowly. "Whatever it is that you guys have to talk about..." I added, quizzically. "What are you going to tell him?" I asked and he simply shook his head.

"I just have to clear things up with him," he replied and I nodded before yawning.

He frowned and shifted on the bed, placing me beside him as he got under the cover and pulled me to him, his naked chest to my back. I looked above my shoulder and saw him close his eyes just as he placed a small kiss to the back of my neck.

"Are we sleeping now?" I asked, confused because it was around six in the afternoon.

"Hmm, you're tired," he stated and I had to admit that I was, and that my eyelids were blinking a lot more frequently than usual. I looked around the room for a second and reached for both my bra and panties before covering my most intimate parts. "You really didn't have to," Ashton murmured against my hair and I smiled at his remark before placing my hand on top of his on my stomach.

"I'm more comfortable that way."

"You want me to put my boxer on?" he asked, his voice already sounding hoarse.

"Not unless you want to," I replied as I felt a small blush grow onto my cheeks.

"You only like me for my body," he jokingly whined and I laughed in his arms as he started rubbing my still bruised stomach. We stayed silent for a while, our breathings being the only thing that filled the room, and it hit me then that for the first time in a while, I wasn't afraid to fall asleep.

"Katy?" Ashton murmured, and I simply hummed in response. "Our label wants us to be in London for the single release... To promote it there, because they think that it is going to bring us more opportunities." He explained, and he seemed anxious, which made me frown and turn around in his arms to face him.

"Okay..." I tentatively answered, studying his face. "How long are you going to be in England?" I asked, instinctively bringing my hands to his chest.

"Two weeks in London, we'll go to radios, do signings and small shows... And then another week to promote it in the rest of the country," he said and it sounded like a confession, as if he was scared of my reaction.

I smiled at him brought a hand to his face as I let my fingers brush against his stubble. I knew this meant that I didn't even have a week left with him, but I knew that music was what made him happy, and I wanted nothing more than to see him live his big dream, even if it meant missing him like crazy for three weeks.

"That's amazing, Ashton! This is such a great thing for the band! Do you even realize how big that is?" I excitedly replied and he smiled as he tightened his arms around me and hugged me.

"I know, I'm really excited!" he replied, his eyes shining, even in the dark. "It's just that... It means I'm not going to be here for you while this whole thing with Chris and Greg unfolds..." he explained and I leaned in to peck his lips.

"If you think for a second that I'm not going to call you every single day, then you're very much mistaking, Mr. Irwin!" I smirked at him and he looked at me in the eye.

"Promise?" he whispered and I nodded as my lips parted.

"Promise," I replied and he crashed his lips on mine, kissing me passionately.

I jolted awake as I felt a pair of lips press down on my forehead. I immediately opened my eyes to see my man, bending over me, a smile on his face as he looked down at me. I mirrored his curled lips and wrapped my arms around him before pulling him to me and on the bed, and letting myself enjoy a little morning cuddle. Morning?

I turned my head to the side and noticed Ashton's phone on the bedside table; I stretched my arm out and took it in my palm before checking the time. My eyes lingered on the little green logo on the screen, indicating that he had an unread message from someone named Marilyn. I then looked at the clock and my eyes widened as I looked up at Ashton.


"Yep, you slept for fifteen hours," he said with a teasing smile and I parted my lips in shock as I checked the clock again.

Marilyn's name was still neatly written on his phone screen and I handed him his phone, trying not to let anything show.

"You got a text from Marilyn," I told him, smiling as sweetly as possible at him and he took the phone out of my hand and pecked my cheek before reading the message.

"She's a part of what will probably become our management team, if people like our music," he informed me, answering my unspoken question and my smile became more genuine as I rubbed my sleepy eyes and started standing up.

"She says she wants to meet me tomorrow to discuss something."

"Sounds like you have a date!" I joked, trying to hide the bitterness in my voice.
He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow as he locked his phone and placed his hands behind his head.

"You jealous?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Yes you are!" he accused, his voice full of amusement; "come on, go brush your teeth so that I can show you that you have nothing to be jealous about!" he added and I smiled as I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. "Oh, and we have a date tonight!" he called from the bedroom, "just thought I'd let you know."

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