Twenty nine.

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Ashton's POV :

"I've never been this tired" Luke whined as we waited for our suitcases to arrive at Heathrow.

I had to admit it was a pretty long flight from Sydney to London and sleeping in a plane wasn't the easiest thing to do. The boys managed to fall asleep for a few hours but I couldn't... I could see her face each time I closed my eyes and I couldn't help but wonder whether I should call her or not once in London...

I just didn't know what to think... One minute I thought I had overreacted, and the other I regretted not telling her how mad I actually was. What was sure was that we had left certain things unsaid and we would have to lay things down at some point.

"Man, we're about to spend 7 days in London... There's no way you're going to just pout this entire time" Calum said as he nudged me. "I know this is complicated but she's not here right now and you can't fix this over the phone so you know just... try to enjoy yourself while you're here... You're here with us and we're gonna have a good time, alright?" he said as he took a snapback out of his backpack and placed it over his head.

"Yeah, you're right" I replied as I smiled at him.

And he was.

We had the most amazing time. We visited all the places we had only ever seen on pictures and we goofed around in the streets like four normal teenage boys. We took a billion pictures in Madame Tussaud: Calum with Beyoncé, Michael with Kate and William, Luke with Emma Watson and me with Freddie Mercury.

We went to the London Eye and we all laughed as Michael started to panic because of the height. We walked past Buckingham Palace and London Tower; we spent an entire day in Camden and I saw Calum's face illuminate as we visited Wembley Stadium.

We discovered the venue two days before the show and we rehearsed for hours; it was called Buffalo Bar and it was very cute. We didn't yet know which songs we were going to play so we just tried them all and chose the ones that we thought sounded the best.

We all knew how important this show was; it was the first one outside Australia and we were about to perform in front of British people, and god knows how much they loved good music. Our manager kept saying that this show was going to change our careers forever one way or the other.

He said that if it worked, then people would start talking about us here and we would slowly start to make a name in Europe... But he also said that if it didn't work; then we'd have to work twice as hard afterward to promote our album.

The day of the show came and we were all very nervous, but excited at the same time, which we knew usually was a good thing. We woke up fairly early and tried to eat, ignoring the knots in our stomach.

I had my phone in my pocket all day and I received texts from my whole family as the show approached. I tried not to get too hung up on the fact that I had absolutely no news from Katy and spent as much time as possible with the boys.

The hour finally came and we ran on stage; playing our instruments and singing at the top of our lungs as the crowd sang right back at us... It was such a crazy thing to experience that when I walked off stage, I started to wonder if it even happened at all. It was the first time that we saw the small crowd going really crazy. I didn't know if it was because they were British, or if it was the fact that they had waited for us to come for several months, but it felt like they knew every words of every songs we performed, which was incredible considering the fact that we didn't even have an album out yet.

I slept very well that night and I dreamed of becoming a huge rockstar and performing in stadiums all around the world.

We had two days left in London, and I had decided that I would call Katy the day before leaving to try and ask her to come at the airport to pick me up... I just wanted to talk to her. I didn't know I would miss her that much, to be honest. I was very mad at first but now I just felt like I would take her in my arms the second I would see her.

I missed her scent and I missed feeling the end of her hair on my arms as I wrapped them around her back. I missed holding her hand and brushing my fingers over her soft skin... She had very small fingers compared to mine and it just felt good to have them intertwined with mine.

I missed her laugh; I missed seeing her tap her foot on the floor as she got nervous about something... I missed how bold she had been lately.

I went on her blog and started catching up on all the things I had missed; she had posted quite a few writings since I had left for London. I could relate to some of them and some others made my heart swell because I knew, or at least I hoped, that they were about me. And they all made me smile because I could picture her saying everything that was written... It was so special and it was just her, and I loved it.

That's when I decided that I wanted to make things better no matter what. I wanted to take her away; like we had already done once... For a bit longer this time, if it was possible. We could even leave for a crazy place... Hell I'd even take her to New York if that was where she wanted to go. Yes, that's what I would do as soon as I'd get back to Australia.

I decided to send her a text before actually calling her as it had been a while since we had last talked.

I'll call you tonight :) xx

The last day was as fun as the others and it really felt like we had made the best of it all. We packed first thing in the morning and then spent the day walking in the streets, entering some shops and I even bought shirts for my siblings, a mug for my mom and a notebook for Katy.

I locked myself in the hotel room around 9 p.m. to call her. I was nervous and my hands were slightly shaking as I searched for her number in my phone and dialed it. I held the phone to my ear and chewed on my bottom lip as I waited for her to pick up, which she didn't.

I let out a little sigh and tried again as I thought maybe she hadn't heard it ring. I waited a few second and a smile appeared on my face as I heard a little click.

"Hello?" a deep voice asked and my heart stopped as I realized it didn't belong to a woman.

"Katy?" I asked anyway as I stood up and started pacing in my hotel room.

"Humm no she's a bit busy right now, she'll probably call you back, whoever you are" the man answered and I heard her giggle in the background before the line went dead.

I stayed chocked as I locked my phone and let it fall on the bed. I didn't recognize the voice... It wasn't Greg for sure; I was pretty positive it wasn't Jon either as I remembered thinking he didn't have a very low one... No, I was sure I hadn't heard it before.

But her laugh... Her little giggle that just seemed to say "I'm having such a great time with another boy while you're away"... Was that what was happening? Was she cheating on me? Did it even make sense? Was it why she had been acting so weird with me lately? It could be...

Yes, it would actually explain a lot of things...

Katy's POV :

"Thanks, Eric!" I said as he placed my phone next to me on the counter.

There. I had done it. I had just asked Eric to pick up the phone for me and I had made it sound like I was cheating on him; or so I hoped. I forced a smile on my face but truth was I wanted to cry. I knew how mad he was at me; and yet he had still made an effort to reach for me and that was what he was rewarded with. I wanted to slap myself.

I had asked Jon to bring a few of his friends over so that we could have a nice little party at my apartment... I knew Ashton was going to call me and I made sure to busy myself when it happened so that I could ask one of them to answer the phone...

It was my idea... It didn't have anything to do with Greg and Chris which made me hate myself even more. I just hoped that he'd try and get an explanation out of this the day after and that I'd be able to play my role and make it look like I was cheating on him. And then it would finally all be over.

My phone buzzed and I whipped my hands on a towel before taking it in my hand and opening the text.

I'm fucking tired of your games so either you have a good explanation to give me tomorrow or I want you out of my life for good

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