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Ashton had his hands on my thigh the whole ride back home; I was driving and trying to focus on the road while he kept taping his left foot on the ground. I didn't know whether he was nervous or just impatient but I didn't feel like asking him; the sexual tension between our two bodies was almost palpable and being stuck in such a small space really wasn't helping my messed up heartbeats.

I was driving over the speed limit and I knew it wasn't safe but I wasn't even thinking anymore; desire was swallowing me whole and I could feel my skin burning under Ashton's fingertips. A moan could have left my mouth right then and there and none of us would have been surprised.

I eventually parked in front of my building and we didn't say a word as we both got out of the car; his hand was on the small of my back as soon as I was by his side and we both hurriedly walked toward the front door. I searched for my keys and opened it; Ashton immediately pushed me inside, his arm securely holding me against him as he closed the door behind him.

I turned around and his hands found my hips as he pushed me against the wall and attached his lips to mine; his breathing was uneven and his chest was heaving against my own as he kissed me like never before. I brought my hands up to the back of his head and tangled my fingers in his hair as his tongue entered my mouth and started dancing with mine.

I had never felt that way before; such hunger and fever, all boiling inside of me. I didn't know how to deal with it all but I knew Ashton was in the same state and it probably wasn't the first time he was experiencing it; he knew how to handle it. But I didn't want to think about him with other girls; I wanted him for myself; I wanted to see him lose himself in me and I wanted to make him feel ways he'd never felt before.

He suddenly took my bottom lip in-between his teeth and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. My breath got caught in my throat at the fire that was turning his hazel eyes into much darker ones. I leaned in and pressed my wet lips to his again; it felt like I'd never get enough of him; I placed my hands on his shoulders; under the jacket he'd put on top of his tank top and pushed it off his body; I didn't wait another second before grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head; his hands leaving my body for a second before cupping my face and pressing his forehead against mine.

"Wow, easy, baby" he murmured; his eyes closing for a second as he gulped and then looked at me again.

"I wanna do something for you" I announced; my left hands running down his chest before stopping just above the waist line of his jeans. He furrowed his eyebrows before tilting his head back and letting out a long breath.

"Kat I-I oh god!" he started; his hands travelling to my hips again as his fingers slid under my top; the tips slightly digging into my skin. "I swear to god I'd fuck you right up against this wall if I could and I would let you fuck me with your mouth until I'm coming down your throat and then I'd eat you out until you literally can't take it anymore and beg me to stop but... but, baby, we can't do that just yet and I really need you right now... I swear I want your lips around me but if we do that know I'm going to lose it" he said and he sounded so out of breath and frustrated; I cupped his cheeks and brought his lips to mine.

"Make love to me; then" I whispered against them and it took him a second to pull my shirt above my head before reattaching our lips; his hands grabbing the back of my thighs as he hauled me up and pressed his center against mine. I could feel his erection through both our jeans and I knew I was at least as aroused as he was.

"Ashton" I let out as I somehow managed to rub my groin against his.

"Again" he growled; taking me by surprise and I repeated my action and let out a moan as I felt pressure on my clit. "That's right! Just like that! Come on, again" he instructed and I didn't stop this time; my body moving against his as his lips worked their way down my jaw, neck, collarbone and stopped just above my bra.

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