Thirty eight.

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We arrived at the club a little after eleven and Emma, Linda and I didn't even stop at the table and directly went to the dancefloor. The place was crowded and we made sure to stay together as sweaty bodies started bumping into us from every side.

I had taken painkillers during diner to make sure my bruises weren't going to be a problem. The four boys were seating in one corner and they promised they'd just take a drink before joining us. We quickly lost ourselves in the heavy beat and just let our bodies move on their own as we closed our eyes and threw our hands up in the air.

We stopped after an hour or so and joined the boys at the table before seating down and taking a deep breath. I reached for Ashton's drink on the table and downed it before putting it back down on the table and wrapping an arm around Ashton's waist. He pulled me closer and kissed my temple before placing his lips by my ear.

"That was my drink" he stated and I shrugged as he pulled away.

"Where's mine?" I replied with a smile; "you forgot to be a gentleman" I said and he laughed before leaning in again to answer.

"Seriously, though, don't drink too much, you just took some pills" he sternly said and I rolled my eyes before pouting my lips at him.

"Let's just have fun tonight" I replied and he smiled before putting his lips on mine.

I managed to get him on the dancefloor and we both started dancing, our bodies pressed against one another. His hands were on my waist and I swayed my hips against his as he looked down at me and bit down on his bottom lip.

"Have I told you how much I love your dress?" he murmured against my ear and I felt my heart swell in my chest as I gave him a devilish grin.

I was wearing a beige little dress, which had a tight skirt that hugged my behind and a loose top, held by two thin straps on my shoulders. It was sexy and chic at the same time and I had fallen in love with it the second I laid my eyes on it.

"If only you knew what I'm wearing under it" I teased and his eyes darkened as he looked down at my dress, probably trying to catch a glimpse of my underwear.

He looked back up at me and his eyes widened as he took in my facial expression.

"Are you really going to make this hard for me?" he breathlessly asked and I nodded before getting on my tiptoes and pressing my lips on his.

"I hate you" he muttered and I kept kissing him as I felt my heart constrict in my chest.

I didn't let anything show but his words echoed in my mind long after we left the dancefloor to breathe for a second. I knew he didn't mean them. I knew we were just having a playful conversation and he let them out as a joke. But he still couldn't say he loved me. And the facility with which he had just said he hated me made me feel like there was a part of truth to it.

"Hey, you okay?" Linda mouthed at me as she nudged my sides.

I put a smile on my face and nodded but she frowned and cocked her head to the side. She then stood up, held her hand out for me to take and lead me to the dancefloor again. I was pretty tired but we started dancing and she asked me what was wrong but I promised to tell her in the morning. I just wanted to enjoy the music for now.

"I'm going to go to the toilet really quickly, wait for me here" I told her after a few minutes and she nodded as I started making my way through the crowd and toward the restroom.

I was surprised to see that only one girl was waiting in front of me, and that there wasn't a full line of drunk people waiting for a quickie on the toilets. The girl in front of me entered and she promised she wouldn't be long as I gave her a warm smile. She closed the door and I immediately felt a hand wrap around my wrist as someone pulled me toward a dark corner.

I stopped breathing and my heart started beating really fast as someone appeared in front of me in the dark. I brought a hand up and I was about to hit him as hard as I could when he once again took my hand in his and stopped my movement.

"Katy! Katy, it's me, it's Greg!"

My eyes widened and I tried to make out his face in the darkness but I couldn't really see him. That was definitely his voice, though.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper and he let out a relive sigh as his hands finally fell to his side. "They told me you were in the hospital"

"I just got out, look listen to me, we don't have the right to talk, they must have told you that, but there's something you have to know!" he explained and I crossed my arms over my chest as I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"Whatever you have to say you can say to your lawyer, I don't want to hear it" I spat and I was about to walk away but he placed his hand on my shoulder and backed me up again the wall. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yelled and he ran his fingers though his hair.

"Please, please just hear me out, Katy! I didn't mean for any of this to happen, please hear me out, that's all I'm asking" he pleaded.

"You have two minutes" I replied and he let out another sigh before brushing his palms over his jeans.

"Okay... Okay, I don't even know where to start, but I want you to know that... I didn't have a choice! I'd never to that to you, Katy, you're my best friend, and you're my soulmate and I would never want to hurt you!" he started and I could sense panic in his voice. "After I told you I needed time... I made the biggest mistake I've ever made. You may not know that, but Chris... He's a drug dealer, he already was when you guys first started dating and I pretty much think that you're the only one who doesn't know... We never told you because we knew it wasn't something permanent for you and anyway... I called him and asked him for ecstasy... And then I did it again, and again and soon enough I couldn't stop."

My lips were parted and I tried to picture it in my head, but I just couldn't. I couldn't even believe that Chris was a drug dealer, even after everything he's done, it still couldn't be true.

"Thing is, you know me, I'm not a platinum cardholder and this thing is crazy expensive and so we made a pact together, I started moving drugs from one place to another for him. That's when he brought me into his wicked games, and told me that if I didn't helped him out, then he would denounce me and I would go down for it... I'll explain it to you further when we actually have the right to talk to each other, but Katy... I did confess, everything we did to you, I told the police all that happened"

"What do you want?" I asked as I saw him getting more and more desperate.

"I want you not to involve me in your complain" he said as he let his shoulders fall.

"What?" I asked as I started chocking on nothing.

"Please... I'm going to go down for the drug dealing thing anyway... Please don't sue me, I didn't have a choice, and I'll do whatever it takes to draw Chris down, but please... I'll take ten years if you do" he explained and I just looked at him as I didn't know what to say. "Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but please think about it, please! And please keep it all to yourself, if anyone knows we've been here at the same time, we're both in some very bad sheets! You can't tell anyone, please, Katy" he pleaded and I slowly nodded as tension seemed to leave his body. "I can't stay here, but thank you for hearing me out"

And just like that, he left. I stayed in that dark corner for a good ten minutes, trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. It was all too much and I didn't know what was and wasn't true any more, and who I could and couldn't trust either.

I went back to the dancefloor and told Linda that I was starting to get really tired and went back to the table. Ashton immediately wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I placed my head in the crook of his neck as I started to breathe heavily.

I had absolutely no idea how I was going to deal with that. I looked up at the man I loved and his gaze met mine as I begged him with my eyes to give me answers to all of these questions.

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