Twenty eight.

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I chewed on my bottom lip the whole drive long. Ashton had asked me to come over as we both didn't have anything planned that afternoon and I was going to have to tell him that I wouldn't be dropping him off at the airport the day after.

I had no idea how he was going to react. It wasn't that big of a deal, and I knew he could understand. The problem was it came after a few mishaps that he was still confused about and that had already disappointed him. I knew that he was waiting for me to make an effort; to show that I wanted him and that I was ready to make some concessions. What I was about to tell him clearly wasn't going to give him that impression.

I parked in front of his building and slowly got out of my car before walking to his door. I pulled on the handle and opened the door before calling his name.

"I'm in my room" he replied and I placed my purse and jacket down by the door before joining him.

He was walking around his room and clothes were scattered on his bed and floor. I tried to make my way through them and wrapped my arms around his waist as I got on my tiptoes and pecked his lips.

"Hey" he murmured as he kissed me again.

"Hey, you're okay?" I asked as I looked around at the mess in his room.

"Absolutely not! I have no idea what to pack!" he replied as he placed his hands on my hips.

"I can see that!" I commented as I walked to his bed and looked at what was laying on it. "Okay, it's London, so it's like freezing cold, you're going to die if you only pack tank tops" I pointed out as I started pushing them to the side.

I walked to his closet and started searching through the piles of clothes as I finally found what I was searching for.

"I didn't know you had that!" I said as I unfolded what looked like a very comfy hoodie and held it against my chest.

"Huh huh, I know where you're going with that, it's mine and that's what's going to keep me alive in London" he said as he took it from my hand, folded it and placed it in the bottom of his suitcase.

"No, no, don't give me that face, you're not getting it!" he added as he bopped me on the nose while I gave him my best pouty face.

I shrugged and turned back to the closet before rummaging through his shirts and jackets. I chose five different tops, that didn't look that different after all and started to look at his jackets as I discovered a leather one that I had never seen before.

"You have a leather jacket?" I exclaimed as I took the clothes hanger in my hand and gave it to him.

"Hey! I'm a rockstar!" he replied and I laughed as I watched him put the jacket on.

"Wow it's hot" I commented and my eyes widened as I realized I had said it out loud.

"Hmm is it?" he asked as he took a step toward me and lifted his eyebrows at me.

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