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I held my phone against my heart before sliding down against the wall until I was seating on the floor. My lips were parted and tears were escaping my eyes even though I wasn’t blinking. I felt like a hand was wrapped around my heart and clutching it; it hurt. I wanted to scream. I wanted to wake up. I placed my head in my hands and started sobbing like a little kid; the kind of sobs you can’t stop even when your dad is ordering you to calm down.

“Katy?” I heard a voice call and I lifted my teary eyes to look at Linda as she hurriedly made her way to me. She crouched down next to me and immediately wrapped her arms around me without asking any questions.

I sobbed into her shoulder as she soothed my back in an attempt to calm me down. I felt like a part of my heart had been ripped off my chest and thrown into the ocean; and even though it wasn’t in me anymore, I could feel it drowning.

“He-He broke up… He broke up with me” I managed to let out against her skin; she seemed to tense for a moment and she then pulled away, holding me at arm length as she looked into my eyes.

“He’s a jerk and please trust me when I say he’s going to regret it and come crawling back in no time” she affirmed with force and I tried to nod but truth was I didn’t believe it. He seemed so cold over the phone… and I then realized that he’d been that way ever since I had handed him the papers that had my writing printed on.

The door of the doorway opened and we both turned our heads toward it as we saw Greg’s head appear. His eyes widened as he took in the scene that was playing in front of him; he rapidly walked to us and sat down next to us before taking my hand in his and giving Katy a questioning look.

“He broke with her” she murmured and my friend’s eyes widened as he turned his head to me and took me in his arms.

“You’re gonna be okay, baby” he whispered and I let out another couple of tears before biting down on my bottom lip to stop my sobs.

Greg pulled away and started looking around us; his eyes traveling from the door to my face, then to the other side of the hallway and my face again.

“Someone’s going to walk in any minute” he informed us and I frowned as I tried to understand what he meant.

“How would you know?” I asked and he held his wrist in front of my eyes.

’00 min 7s’ it read and I suddenly sat up and wiped my damp cheeks with my hands. This moment had to be about him and him only. I wasn’t going to stole it from him. I would probably have a lifetime to cry it out, anyway.

We all waited in silence and time seemed to slow down. It felt like the three of us had stopped breathing; we were just waiting for something, anything. Steps, a voice, the noise of a door. We were absolutely still and our three hearts were beating way too fast.

Greg’s head suddenly snapped toward me and he parted his lips as his wide eyes starred directly into mine. I frowned and then did the same as my eyes fell on his timer; that was it. I looked at him again and I was about to say something when he crashed his lips onto mine.

My eyes stayed opened as he seemed to be giving his all. I couldn’t believe it. This couldn’t be happening, my soulmate was Ashton and I couldn’t have two. I had never heard of someone being two people’s soulmate either. I knew weird and unfortunate things could happen, but that had to be a mistake

I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him with all my strength before covering my mouth with my hands. We looked at each other for a minute and I decided to get up as I couldn’t handle this silence anymore.

“No, I’m not… This can’t be happening” I mumbled and Greg got up, too, before gently placing a hand on my hip.

“But it is” he sweetly answered and I shook my head before stepping away from him. I closed my eyes and placed a hand on my forehead as I tried to think of what I could possibly tell him.

“I’m sorry I need to get out of here” I murmured before turning around and running toward the door.

I raced through the building and into the parking lot before taking the keys out of my purse and opening the door. I immediately started the engine and made my way on the road; I knew exactly where I was going.

I hadn’t felt anything. Blank. It was just his lips on mine and nothing more. No sparks, no tenderness, no need to put my hands on his skin, not want to part my lips and let him slip his tongue in my mouth. God no. None of that.

I felt those things with Ashton. Each time. I even felt things I couldn’t even try to describe. From the very first kiss to the one he decided would be our last; I had felt all those things and I couldn’t imagine not ever feeling them again. I didn’t care how long it would take; I had to fight for him. He was my soulmate, after all.

I parked in front of Ashton’s building and started knocking really hard on the door; I didn’t stop. I was nervous but I knew I was doing exactly what I had to do. My hands stopped hitting the door when he finally decided to open it. He seemed annoyed for a second, and then confusion flashed through his eyes and finally pure panic.

“Are you okay?” he asked and I pushed past him as I let myself in.

Ashton’s POV :

“Wait, wait” Calum interrupted as he kept pacing in front of me; “so you’re telling me… She writes a nasty piece about you; she wins an award for it; she feels bad and tells you so that you don’t have to learn about it in the newspaper. Then you’re mad but don’t tell her so she thinks you guys are okay; she invites you to the ceremony and you stand her up. She calls you and tells you she has feelings for you but you don’t believe her and break up with her. Then she discovers she’s her best friend’s soulmate, the one she’s known for years and the one she already thrusts without condition, yet she comes straight to your place and explains everything to you, tells you that he kissed her but it didn’t feel right at all. She basically begs you to take her back because she KNOWS you’re the one for her even though you’ve already made a bunch of big mistakes since you’ve started dating… And you? You open your front door and wait for her to leave as you tell her that it doesn’t change anything… Like mate, I’m sorry I have to ask but do you even have any type of feelings for her?”

“Of course I do! You know that!” I answered; annoyed that he would ask that even though I’d told him so many times before.

“What is your problem, then?” he retorted as he opened his arms in an attempt to get a reaction out of me. “Because right now it feels like she could get down on one knee and ask you to marry her and you’d just be like ‘no, honey, I know you don’t really like me that way, sorry’ … What kind of proof are you fucking waiting for?” he said, raising his voice as I stared into paces.

His words started to echo in my mind; and realization hit me. He was right. He was absolutely right and I was just being a selfish asshole at the moment. I wanted nothing more than to be with her; and what she’d done for me that day proved that she felt the same.

I was just trying to control the situation. I felt like I had no control over myself when I was with her and I was trying to regain it in the worst possible way. I wanted to slap myself. Her teary eyes were haunting the back of my mind and I couldn’t believe I had pushed it that far.

“Calum, I’m an idiot” I suddenly let out as I looked up at him with wide eyes.

“That you are” he confirmed as I got to my feet and started searching for my jacket.

“I have to make it better” I mumbled as I took two long strides toward the front door and left Calum’s house.

“Good luck with that” I heard him shout.

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