Twenty one.

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Weeks passed and things started to get really busy for everyone. Ashton and his band eventually signed their record deal and he was spending his entire days in studio, writing and recording with his friends. I, on the other hand, had taken a decision that was keeping me busy during all of my free time.

I received an e-mail a few days after the publication of my work; it was from someone who had read it and who wanted to congratulate me. She said that she could relate to what I wrote and that she thought I was really talented. She was going on and on and she made me tear up before I reached the end of her message.

I talked to my friends about it and one thing leading to another; Emma came up with the idea of creating a blog on which I would post a few of the things I wrote. I took my time to think about it; and I was now dealing with the last details before taking the plunge.

It felt good to be busy, to know that everyone around me was just happy with their lives and was doing exactly what they wanted to be doing. I was also very surprised to discover that 5 Seconds Of Summer, Ashton's band, already had a fair amount of fans. They were performing a few shows every now and then and, being the drummer's girlfriend, I was required to attend each and every one of them. The venues were always crowded with girls who knew every words to their songs and nothing made me happier than to see Luke's, Calum's, Michael's and Ashton's face light up each time they heard them sing the words back.

I sat down in front of my computer and started writing as a feeling of sadness started to appear in the deepest part of my heart. I still hadn't heard anything from Greg and I was starting to think that I would never see him again. What really bothered me, though, was that he wasn't talking to Linda either anymore... And I couldn't help but feel responsible for it all.

My phone started ringing on my desk and I finished typing my answer before taking it in my hand and answering the call without checking the name on the screen.

"Yes?" I answered as I stuck my phone in-between my cheek and shoulder and kept writing on my computer.

"Hi, huh this is Greg" and deep voice said and I immediately grabbed my phone again as I parted my lips in surprise.

"Oh Greg! It's so good to hear from you, how are you?" I excitedly said.

"I'm good, thank you! Do you think we could... Maybe meet up one of these days?" he offered and I closed my eyes as a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Of course! Whenever you want"

"Okay well what would you say about the day after tomorrow, maybe for lunch at that little restaurant near your college?" he said and I agreed before hanging up and getting up to dance my excitement away.

I called Linda and then Ashton, to tell them about it and they both said they were really happy for me even though it sounded a lot more sincere on my friend's part than on my boyfriend's.

Emma had invited me over that afternoon and I arrived at her place with a huge grin on my face; I told her about the news and she gave me a big hug before asking if I wanted anything to eat. I was there to talk about my blog; ever since the project became serious; she had been my associate, helping me through each step; giving me her opinion on every decision I made and I was very thankful for it because what we eventually came up with was something I really loved and was already really proud of.

"I'm so nervous, you know?" I told her as we both sat on her couch in front of my laptop.

"It's natural but there's really no need to be!" she replied before going through the things I wanted to show her; we were outing the last details about the layouts.

"But what if literally nobody reads or likes it? I'm just going to make a full of myself"

"You're only putting out there what you've been doing for years! It doesn't really matter whether people like it or not... But if you think about it; you've won an award for your writing already so chances are this is actually going to work" she answered without diverting her eyes from the screen; "like that seems about perfect, no?" she added as she pointed her finger toward my laptop.

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