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WARNING : This chapter contains really explicit content, please don't read if you're underage or if you don't feel comfortable with it.

Ashton and I agreed to go to the restaurant that night and to go grocery shopping on staurday to be able to cook up a nice diner.

"What kind of restaurant do you wanna go to?" I asked as we were cuddling on the couch in front of the ocean.

"Well actually, there's only one restaurant around... I heard it was really good, kind of fancy I guess" he answered as he started playing with my hair. I smiled and imagined us, well dressed sharing a delicious meal; I was lucky I packed a classy dress and I wondered if he'd wear an actual shirt or something.

We both went to seperate bathrooms to get dressed and I found myself missing Linda terribly as I didn't know how to style my hair. I enventually decided to let it fall down my back before putting my heels on. My makeup was all done and I was quite proud of it for once. I looked at my reflection one last time before taking a deep breath and unlocking the bathroom door.

He was waiting for me in the huge living room, his back to me as he stood in front of the bay window. He was wearing his usual black jeans with a white shirt that could be seen under his black jacket. It was him yet it was different, it was more formal and I liked that he made an effort for our date, even though I already thought he was the most beautiful man alive in his usual clothes.

I must've made some type of noise because he suddenly turned around and gaped at me.

Ashton's POV

All the air left my lungs as I turned around and saw her standing behind me. She was wearing a navy blue dress that covered half of her thighs; the low cut was quite reaveling and it really did justice to her cleavage. Her hair was falling around her face and the small amount of makeup she'd put on made her brown eyes lighter than usual. Her lips were now a cherry color and I wanted nothing more than to devour them now. My eyes traveled down her body and I suddenly noticed how long her legs seemed, she was wearing black heels and I'd never seen such a gorgeous and sexy woman in my life.

"I'm not sure I wanna go out anymore" I murmured, my mouth dry as I took a step toward her.

"You look really good, the shirt really suits you" she answered with a smile as I put both my hands on her hips and slowly backed her up against the nearest wall.

"You're gorgeous as hell... really hot, way too hot" I breathed out as I ran my nose against hers. She blushed and one of her small hands grabbed my forearm as she leaned in and placed her lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her close, my body craving hers as I traced my tongue over her bottom lip. She opened her mouth slightly and I lifted my left hand up to the back of her neck to deepen the kiss.

We were both out of breath when she pulled away and I groaned at the loss of contact; I never wanted this to end.

"You have lipstick on your lips" she chuckled as she brought her thumb to my mouth and started rubbing it off and I had to resiste the urge to kiss her again.  


"There" she said and I tried to peck her lips but she put her palm on my mouth and pushed me away

"Come on Ashton, if we don't go now, we'll never make it!" She laughed and I joined her before taking her hand and pulling her out of the house.

The restaurant was indeed quite fancy and it was pretty much the best place to spend our first date. I got to learn a bit more about Katy, who she was, what she loved.

She lived on her own, in town and she seemed to love her independance; she had an older brother and family seemed like a really important thing to her. She loved writing, and although I already knew that, I was only beggining to understand just how much it meant to her. She kept saying she didn't want to make a career out of it but something about the way her eyes changed when she was talking about it made me think that she just was just lying to herself. She was just scared it wouldn't work out, and having the dream to one day tour the world with my band, I could only understand that.

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