Thirty three

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My brother called a few minutes later and told me that I had to go to the police station because they wanted to ask me a few questions about Chris. I was really nervous and I spent the whole drive long repeating the speech in my head.

My brother was waiting for me on the parking lot and he gave me a warm smile as he saw me get out of my car.

"How did it go with Ashton?" he asked as he showed me the way.

"Better than I expected" I answered as a huge smile made its way on my face.

"That's amazing! I'm really happy for you two!" he said before opening the door for me; "okay I have to warn you, they're a bit weird so just focus on what you have to say" he added as he knocked on a door, opened it and pushed me in before walking out.

"Hello, Miss Barnes. Sit down, please, we'd like to ask you a few questions" one of the two men said and I nervously sat down before crossing my legs and putting my hands on my knees. "Okay, so just tell us the whole story from the beginning" he said.

I took a deep breath before starting telling the long story about Chris, Greg and I. The men's faces were totally unreadable and at some point I really thought they were going to interrupt me and tell me that it was too boring.

"And I mean... I don't know if this is going to be any help but I kept everything I could keep" I told them as I pointed toward the computer that I recognized as mine.

"Yeah, we took a look at that and to be quiet honest, those things wouldn't be enough to arrest him... Can you just go over the last part again, please?" he asked and I bowed my head as I realized that this probably wasn't going anywhere.

I told them about the last time I saw Chris and how he promised he would kill Mona and then Ashton's brother and the two men looked at each other with a look that I couldn't read.

"It matches" one of them murmured and I frowned as I looked at them with a questioning look.

"What matches?" I asked and they turned to me again as the one who had been talking from the beginning crossed his arms over his chest.

"As I said earlier, the proofs you brought us wouldn't be enough to arrest anyone..." he started and I could tell that there was something he wasn't saying and I tried not to look too annoyed. "But we got a call this morning from the hospital and your friend Greg confessed... His story confirms that you're telling the truth and we're going to visit him tomorrow to write it all down... If he hasn't changed his version then Chris should be behind bars really soon."

I parted my lips and looked at them alternatively as I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. Greg had confessed? Why? He would probably go to jail, too...

I tried to ask questions but they said they couldn't answer them yet and they thanked me before walking me to the door.

"Oh... And as long as this story isn't revolved, you should stay away from Greg because this could be seen as complicity." They said before shaking my hand and leaving me on the parking lot.

Yes, my brother was right... They were weird.

Evan was leaning against my car and I sighed far too loudly as I reached the driver side and got in.

"I'm so damn exhausted I think I'm going to sleep for the next three days" I told him and he laughed as he turned up the radio and started singing to every song.

"You're staying at mine tonight?" I screamed over the music and he turned it down a little as he looked at me.

"Huh, I think I'll go home to Mona... She doesn't really understand what's happening and I think I should try and explain it to her" he explained.

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