They're Just Kids Like Us

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Mike was walking alone in the hallways, feeling conflicted about everything going on with his friends.

What are we gonna do?...

Suddenly, he came across a noise...It sounded like someone sobbing quietly...

Rose was crying into Nate's chest, crushed by the death of her close friend.

Mike kept a neutral look on his face as he passed them. He knew why they were grieving. Evelyn was right.

They're kids just like us...even if they're mean.

Mike also thought back to what Matt said.

I swear, our lives would be better if they were six feet under.

The boy shook the thoughts away and continued his way towards class. When he entered, he spotted Asher and Eve parting ways so each one of them can go to his seat with a smile. Mike smiled a bit at his friend's kindness, but his smile partially flattened when he saw Matt's state again.

This is going to be a long day.

Eventually, Matt, Mike, Mara, Asher, Jordi and Evelyn were all in their classroom but before the lesson went on, a voice boomed from the intercom announcing the death of Dexter Rowe. Some bowed their heads, some shed a tear. And then it went on like usual...

Lunchtime came around, and everyone went to the canteen like normal...Except for our six friends.

While Jordi and Asher walked with Eve and Mara stuck with Mike, Matt opted to go and sit alone...

Meanwhile, Mike was eyeing him from the table he sat at with Mara, Evelyn, Jordi and Asher.

"Can't believe he's actually doing that..."

Matt was indeed alone...Until someone walked up to his table.


Matt looked up and saw his deskmate Evan.

"Oh, hi Evan..."

Evan went and sat beside him. Mike's eyes slightly lightened up at the sight from across the room.

"Are you okay? You were awfully quiet today, now you're sitting alone..."

Matt sweated a bit. If he told him, he'd know about that stupid note...

"It's nothing..."

"I heard about you and Evelyn...I'm sorry..."

"It's fine..."

However, their sweet conversation was interrupted when two people started walking up to them.

Nate walked over and sat down in front of the two. "Hey... so uhm...We wanted to ask you something.."

Both Matt and Evan looked at the two in front of them, confused. Matt's friends looked even more confused across the room.

Why are they being nice all of a sudden? Or at the very least, civil?

"What is it?..."

Rose sat down and slid her phone to their side of the table, a picture of a note was shown. "this was found by Dex... it has your name on it"

"What?" Matt barely let the word out...He looked at the picture and indeed, the note had his name on it. Specifically, it went: "Keep your friends closer, Matthew Anderson-"

Matt froze in his place. Evan took a look at the note as well, much to his horror.

"Matthew? W-what does that mean?"

"I..I don't know..."

Nate was watching the boys carefully. "We were hoping you could tell us what they meant..."

"I have no clue...I didn't even know he...died till this morning..." Matt stood up from his spot and started to leave the canteen.

Rose and Nate just silently watched him go.

Evan watched him go silently as well.

Matt went on to leave the cafeteria.

Mara watched Matt. She got up. "I'm gonna go after him"

Mike looked at Asher for comfort. Evelyn just watched in silence and nodded in response to Mara, not caring if anyone saw it or not. The blonde eventually turned to Jordi with a grimace.

Jordi looked back at Eve, raising an eyebrow.

Mara walked off from the group chasing after Matt with only one thought in mind.

I'm helping my friends one way or another...

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