They Were With Us All Along

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As Matt ran through the empty halls with his footsteps' echoes as his only companion, he went from room to room, trying to find a way out. Heck, he was even hoping to find somebody here to help them.

"Curse me and my habit of leaving my phone at home when I need it most" Matt muttered to himself.

After a fruitless search, Matt came across a weird discovery...All the rooms were locked, except for the detention room.

"Must have to do with Jordan being there..." He swung the door open, but the room was empty.

"But where the hell is she?"

Evelyn, Mike and Mara weren't exactly having a joyous time either. Mike and Mara were holding onto each other for dear life, and Evelyn was struggling to hold onto herself.

"What is happening?" Mara muttered, and as if the universe decided to answer her, a figure suddenly bumped in the three hard and everyone got knocked down.

"Ow, gosh...who on earth..?"

"JORDI!" Both the girls exclaimed at once.

"GUYS!" Jordi yelled back.

The three girls hugged tightly.

"Oh, I'm so glad to see you" Jordi stated, letting go of the other two girls with a smile.

"Us too. We don't know what's going on" Mike announced.

"Me neither...Is it just you three here?"

"Matt's looking for a way out. We should go back to him" Evelyn said.

"Oh...I see"

Everyone agreed and they went to look for their friend.

Matt was still at the detention room, leaning against the doorframe while trying to figure all this out.

"Nothing is making sense here..." He muttered.

A finger tapped on Matt's shoulder, so he quickly spun around and yelled, his heart pumping fast, but it slowed down as soon as he saw who it was.

"Oh guys, I'm so happy to see you all safe"

"Did you find an exit?"

"Nope. All the rooms were locked except this one. I think it's because Jordan had detention...But there are no windows here"

Mike walked into the room, followed by Mara who still stuck by him, and Evelyn, who hoped she's find something that Matt missed.

"Nothing is making sense here....."

Then, Matt would hear a gun cock by his ear. A familiar voice stated, "Allow me to explain'

Matt raised his eyebrow and turned around, only to face a nightmarish sight.

"You...No...Fisher. You were the one who..."

Jordi kept the gun pointed at him. "The one and only"

Matt slowly put his hands up in the air, not to submit but as a strategic move. He slowly backed up into the room.

"Matt, what are you doing?" Mike asked as he started to walk over to him, only to freeze when he saw Jordi with a gun.

"What the?! Matt?!"

"It was in front of us all along..." Matt mused.

The girls looked over as well and they were shook. They just held onto each other and cried.


"Keep your friends closer...Of course that's what that would mean..." Matt muttered bitterly to himself.

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