The Mask Falls

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As Mara walked, she glanced up just in time to see Matt and Evelyn. She took her headphones out once again and walked over to them.

"So, if you are free this weekend, we can go hang out somewhere" Matt proposed. Evelyn squealed in response.

"You mean a date?" She asked hopefully. Matt stuttered a little before answering.

"Sure, it's a date, Evelyn" He smiled at her, while the blonde smiled widely to herself.

Matt broke away his glance at Evelyn when he spotted Mara walking towards them. He smirked in a teasing way.

"Speaking of dates..." He started.

She rose an eyebrow at that smirk. "What are you two talking about?"

"I was just about to discuss your first date, Mara"

Evelyn oohed in curiosity. "Maybe you have some advice for us?" She inquired.

She blushed once again "O-oh that uhm..." She rubbed her neck nervously.

Matt chuckled. "No really, did he do you good? He tends to be very nervous"

"Yeah. He did" She smiled.

"Good. Anyways, I should probably introduce you to this ball of excitement but somehow I don't feel like it" He joked, causing Eve to giggle.

Mara laughed a bit. "Fair enough"

"Oh wait, I changed my mind. Actually Mara, you know Evelyn. Evelyn, this is my friend Mara and possibly my best friend's girlfriend"

Mara blushed more. "I'm not his girlfriend" She turned to Evelyn. "Hi there"

"It's nice to meet you, Mara" Evelyn smiled. "Don't say that! It's nice to have a boy, I should know" She giggled.

"He still isn't my boyfriend"

"Well, okay then. Where is..uhm..." Matt stopped mid-sentence when he felt something tug at his arm."Uh, Evelyn, you're gripping my arm a little too hard. Do you mind?" It was true, the blonde was close to tearing it off.

"Oh sorry..." She giggled nervously and let go, instead opting to hold his hand instead, surprising him.

She rose an eyebrow. "Where is who?"

"The person whom you're not the girlfriend of"


Mike had been walking to class with Nate, Rose and Dexter. The former two were acting a bit differently, he noticed.

"What is up with you two?" He motioned towards Nate and Rose.

Dex was the first to speak up. "What kind of loser falls for a freak like her?"

Mike's eyebrows crunched. "I'm sorry, what? I asked a question here"

He moved over closer to him. "I said. What kind of loser would fall for a freak?"

"Where did that come out of?" He was starting to feel confused.

Rose cut off whatever Dex was planning to say. "No matter. That freak doesn't deserve to have anyone fall for her"

He stopped walking and froze. "You're not talking about her..." He sneered, starting to feel defensive.

"You know exactly who we're talking about, Mikey" Nate pipped up.

"Don't. Call me that. I thought you guys wanted me to be a part of your group. What the hell is this crap?" Mike spat at them.

Dex smirked. "You really thought that? Awe, poor Mikey."

"Then what is it? What do you gain from this? Is it just so you could feel better about yourselves?" He started backing away from them.

"I'm surprised it took you this long, little Mikey. It was to get closer to that little freak, and you made it very easy to do that"

He let out a final growl and immediately started walking away, realizing that Matthew was right about them. He set out to find him and apologize as soon as possible.

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