Thank you! #6 and #7

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Hey guys! We're back and we hope you like how this final arc is unfolding! It's pretty juicy and tense alright ;))))

Also, is it weird that I feel immensely bad for everything our characters are going through? Like I feel really, really bad. I know that your creation is something that you love but I never expected to feel like this as a creator. Wow.

Anyways, you're most likely looking at the title of this chapter all confused, and I don't blame you since I did a dumb-dumb.

I got so busy and involved in writing that I forgot to make a thank you chapter when we hit 600 reads, and now here we are at 700...

So here I am combining the two in vain effort to conceal my stupidity. But I am thankful to everyone who read this far and is still willing to do so. Once again, you almost got Watermelon screeching so keep that up :DD

See you guys next time! Stay safe!

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