// 72 //

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The loud music was blaring all through the night club as harsh violet and blue lights illuminated the room. I watched Naomi as she shot back yet another few shots, her face twisting up in disgust at the mixture of alcohol. I smirked as she walked over to me, a slight stumble as she staggered closer to me.

"Hi b-babe." Naomi said with a hiccup in her speech. A smirk fell onto my face as she sat with a drunken smile,

"Hello there love." I said with a light chuckle. Her bright eyes smiled along with her glossed lips, her hand wrapped around another full drink.

"Hi there cutie." Naomi said taking a sip of her drink from that annoyingly small straw. I began to chuckle once more at her drunken state. Naomi was rarely drunk around me, but never this drunk. Her rosy cheeks pulled into a smile as she put her drink down on the table,

"Are you having fun love?" I asked amused as she stared at me with that lazy drunk smile. Naomi nodded her head as she mumbled an

"Mmmhmm." She nodded her head along with the music as i simply looked at her. Her new black dress was a daring choice but damn did she look beautiful. The way the shiny material clung to her body was enough to send me over the edge. But the way she wore it, it didn't look trashy or too revealing. It was perfect; her shoulders were the beautiful tan color i loved, her legs seemed to go on for miles, and her arse in this dress was fuc.king amazing.

"Did you want to go home darl?" I asked trailing my hand to her thigh. The freshness of her skin was exhilerating to me, Naomi shook her head eagerly.

"No, i want to dance!" Naomi said in a rushed breath as she threw her head back. Her drink slightly spilling over the edge, "Please Matty just a little bit longer?" Naomi whined visibly pouting. I smirked at her as she tipped her head down lower at me,

"Alright love we don't have to leave." i said running circles in her skin again. I looked up at Naomi as a glossy grin overtook her features,

"Yay!" Naomi said as she threw her arms around me. A burst of giggles left those pink soft lips as i laughed at her, in complete loving ways. As we both began to laugh, her beautiful brown hair cascaded down her back. I pulled her closer as i placed a soft kiss to her alchohol warm cheeks, slowly shutting my eyes as i took in her scent. The rush of strawberries invaded the stuffy air, she always broke through my scenses and created a whole new world for me. And the world Naomi created for me was one i completely divulged myself into. But the bright world Naomi put me in was washed out with those lifeless dry eyes. For a moment i didn't believe it, she couldn't have been here. I watched intently as she stood against the wall. Her stringy hair was being pulled back by an unknown man, his fingers wrapped around her neck as he began placing sloppy kisses all alonger her neck. Just watching was enough to make my spine shiver, i watched as she smirked at me. Of all things, a smirk. I looked away,

"Go on love." I said as i cleared my throat attempting to rid the images in my mind. What the hell was Gemma doing here?

"Are you okay? W-we can go gome if you like?" Naomi said in a softer voice, almost fading against the sounds of the music. Instantly i moved my hand to her shoulder,

"No baby it's fine. Go on and dance, im sure Nick and Cassandra want to dance." I said directing my head over my shoulder. Naomi smiled at me briefly before getting dragged away by Nick and Cassandra.

"We'll bring her back Matty!" Cassandra called as she waved me off. I smiled as i watched Naomi dissapear into the sea of bodies. The smile once placed on my face completely wiped off as soon as she walked away. This was not fu.cking happening, Gemma was not here. She couldn't be here, i sighed auidably but im sure no one around me could hear. I needed a goddamn drink, and as i looked around at the table there i found one of Naomi's old drinks. I took hold of the drink, and chucked it back. The familar warmth spread down my throat as i attempted to rid my running thoughts of Gemma.


"I love you gorgeous." I whispered against her skin. Her brown eyes hodded by the sleep that was about to take over. Naomi smiled softly,

"Mmm..love you..." She mumbled as her small hands coiled around the sheets. I grinned as i thought of getting her asprin and water before she fell asleep.

"Be back love." I whisepered in her ear. A swift kiss was placed against her cheek as i got out of the bed, the cold nipping at my bare legs. I hurried down the hall trying not to make too much noise against the floor boards, my feet carrying me to the dark kitchen. I flipped on the light to see Adam standing against the fridge. I jumped back in fright as i almost screamed, but i placed a hand onto the counter to steady myself,

"Sorry mate did i scare you?" Adam said with genuine concern. A small laugh escaped me as i tried to calm by racing heart,

"Fuc.king hell Hann, what are you doing awake?" i asked as i composed myself once again. I walked over to the fright opening the door to see the bright flourescent lights.

"Just getting some asprin for the morning, you?" Adam said pointing at his cup and asprin sitting right beside it. I smiled as i pulled out a bottle of water and walked over to the cabinet behind me.

"Same, so Naomi doesn't wake up with the worst hang over of her life." I said smiling over at Hann. Adam chuckled softly as he swallowed his medication,

"I wouldn't doubt it if she did mate." He said with a wink. I laughed softly as i began to walk away, leaving Adam to go back to sleep. "I saw her too." His voice said quickly. I paused, momentarily confused before he spoke again, "I saw Gemma." Adam said quietly. My body stiffened as i turned around slowly, I looked at Adam.

"What?" I said easily. I watched as Adam looked back at me, his light eyes watching mine.

"I know you saw her too." Adam said slowly. We both stood there just watching. How cold he have known Gemma was there? I ran my fingers through my hair as i sighed aloud, what the hell.

"You saw her too mate?" I asked softly. Adam nodded his head walking closer to me running his hand along the counter,

"Yeah." He said taking his next words extremely slowly, "Matty, i know you've heard this countless of times. And i don't want to be the one to sound like the broken record. But understand that if it becomes to much just say it." Adam spoke, he was right. All i had to say was no, but i didn't. "Matty it's uncomfortable for all of us. And we all know it's uncomfortable for you as well mate. All you have to say is i don't want to do this and we can stop." I shook my head, i'm not giving this up. Not for some scum in my past,

"No. No, i'm not stopping for her. I'm not stopping what we have for her." I said standing my ground against Adam. Hann nodded along with me,

"Then stop letting her get in your head mate. You've been in her trap before and look where it got you. In the damn hospital. Don't let her do this again. We all know Gemma is nothing without you, you are her rock and she fu.cking abused you." Adam stated all the facts i've come to know. I sighed resting my head against the wall,

"I can do this, after this it's done." I said confirming to finally rid Gemma. Adam smiled softly as he patted my shoulder,

"Keep your head up mate. We're all lads and we're here for you. Cassandra is here Matty, Naomi is the one to keep you up. Her keeping you up, it keeps all of us up. We looked for a light to help you and we found it Matty. Don't let Gemma fu.cking Janes get in your head." Adam said in complete trust in our friendship. I nodded listening to every word, he was right. This madness of Gemma needs to stop, cut all ties.

"Thank you Hann. Really mate, thank you." I said reaching for the drink behind me and the packet of asprin in the other hand. Adam nodded walking in the opposite direction to his room, and i going in the other direction. My mind was clouded yet again as i stalked back to the room silently pushing the door open to shed the moonlight on Naomi's body. It was Naomi in my bed, not Gemma. Naomi is who i will wake up too, not Gemma. I am taking care of Naomi, Gemma isn't taking care of me. Naomi is the one here right now next to me, Gemma is in god knows where doing blow just like always.

// SO! IM SO SORRY THIS SUCH A LATE POST I WAS WATCHING A MOVIE WITH MY DAD AND GOD DAMN WAS IT INTERESTING TIME TRAVEL AND ALL THAT SH.IT BUT! HERE IT IS AND IM SO EXCITED BECAUSE WE'RE CLIMAXING (pun intended (; ) I love you all so damn much and! I will be doing the YouNow on saturday. I'll post more once i finalize time and the tags it will be under im so excited! TELL ALL YOU'RE FRIENDS TO WATCH IT WITH YOU !!!


She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now