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Hi (: here's another question: Top 3 1975 songs? I love Girls, Robbers, and M.O.N.E.Y.


I sat on my couch pulling on my lips, all i could think about was George spotting me. I told Jordan about it when she called, all she could tell me was that i have a crush on Matty. But i argued that, i don't even know the guy. Im not going to lie he was fucking gorgeous, he made me nervous, and he made my body come to life without a touch. I sighed, he even made my head hurt and we haven't had a real conversation yet. I looked over at the clock, it was 10 already. Jordan left my house only a few minutes ago to stalk George, something in my mind was telling me to go but i didn't listen. I mean what was the point? The only reason he talked to me was because i helped him to his room...but he did mention my name in the parking lot. "This is fucking stupid." i said aloud rubbing my eyes together. I got up from the chair walking into the kitchen, i needed a drink. Popping open a new bottle of wine i poured some into a glass, i needed to do something to keep Matty off my mind. I walked over to my bookcase picking up the book i've recently started, walking out to the bench in my yard i sat down diving into my book. Hours must have past because i reached the last page of my story, looking up at the sky it was black only lit by the moon and a few twinkling stars. I picked up my empty glass and hurried into the house, i was cold. I dropped the glass off in my kitchen and as i turned to my room a bright light caught my attention. I walked over to it seeing my phone had 5 missed calls from Jordan. "Shit." i said quickly calling her back,

"H-hellooooo?" Jessica answered, i heard voices behind her. She was drunk.

"What's wrong? Im sorry i missed your calls." Jessica giggled, then hiccuping.

" Naomi, you have to drive me home. I-i'm to drruunk." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, i'll be there soon." I huffed walking into my room picking up a thicker jacket. I drove over to the club slightly speeding, i wasn't sure if she was with George or someone else for that matter. I weaved through traffic finally getting to the parking lot. I paid the vallet and sprinted to the entrance dodging other drunks stumbling out of the club, and there she was on the curb. I stopped, taking a good look at her she looked fucking trashed.

"Naaoomii! You're here!" I shook my head at her giving her my hand to pull her up. She slapped it away, "Noo, i want to st-tay a little bit more." She slurred her words at me,

"Jordan come on its late, you're drunk and im tired." I said still tugging on her. She threw her head back pouting.

"But, i'm not done hanging out with George." I shook my head getting annoyed,

"He's not even here."I whined to Jordan, i just wanted go home. She looked around her head bobbing side to side,

"H-he went to get me coffe...Look there he is!" She said pointing almost throwing herself onto the street. I whipped my head around, there he was. And there was Matty.

"Fuck." I said aloud pulling my hair back,

"Someone has a crush on Maatty."I kicked Jordan in the knee,

"Shut up, no i don't." She pushed herself off the curb metting George at the front of my car. George pulled Jordan into a hug, she took the coffee from him sipping it. I guess they got a little close tonight, great.

"Hello Naomi." I froze, i knew that voice. I only heard it so little but the sound is engraved in my mind. I turned to face him,

"Hi Matty." He smiled,

"It's a nice night out." His voice was crisp through the cold wind of Los Angeles,

I looked up at the sky," It's a little chilly but yeah tonight is nice." I gave him a small smile. As he opened his mouth Jordan spoke first,

"Naomi lets take them somewhere!" I looked at Jordan, she had to be fucking kidding me.

"Yeah you know LA well, let's go do something." George spoke up earning Matty's attention. I looked at him praying he would say no. I didn't know where i would take them that would be open and fun. But instead he raised his eyebrows at me, fuck. I sighed,

"The only place with anything open would be Hollywood." The three of them flashed smiles at me.

"Let's go." Matty said walking in front of me, i followed him to the vallet and recieved my car back.

"Where is Hollywood?" George said as he got in the car,

"It's not very far from here about 25 minutes." Matty changed the station on my radio,

"Lovely." He said settling on a soft indie music station. I looked at Jordan in my mirror, she was to busy staring at George. I must admit her and George looked cute together. I kept driving but the further i drove the more tension rose between Matty and i. I wanted to look over at him but i was far to nervous. I gripped the steering wheel harder as i saw his hand move down his lap. Was he going to touch me? I don't think i was really okay with him touching me yet, or if i'll ever be ready.


I slammed on my brakes, the car jerking. I looked in front of me seeing another car speeding dangerously close in front of me. I let out a breath, "S-sorry." George and Jordan looked a little scared. I finally looked over at Matty, he laughed. I kept on driving this time focusing on the road so i wouldn't kill everyone in the car.

"Let's go to a park." Matty spoke breaking the giggles from Jordan as George touched her face.

"Right now?" i said looking around me, there was a park around her a couple of blocks down.

"Yeah, lets do it." Matty said flashing me a smile. My heart stopped for a moment and my fingers tightened around the steering wheel.

I sighed, "Okay, sounds fun." I found the park, pulling into a little spot i parked the car turning my eyes to Matty. He looked back at me,

"Do you like the park?" I smiled at his question, i saw how his eyes held mine with all the intesity in the world.

" I do actually, it's very peaceful for being a public place." We all got out of the car walking together. George and Jordan led Matty and I as we walked through the park. The cold air hung heavy tonight, and i dug my hands into my jacket. Matty reached in his pocket,

"Smoke?" He said handing me a ciggerate. I eyed him for a while. The moonlight standing behind him. He looked like a devilish angel twirling the cigarette between his long fingers. He put both in his mouth lighting them, "Here." He said grabbing my shoulder. I tensed under his touch. He pulled the ciggerate from his mouth he grabbed my hand finding my fingers. He ran his fingertips across mine, he put the ciggerate between my hands and i felt like i was back in highschool drowning in peer pressure. We held a stare as i lifted the ciggerate to my mouth and i tasted him. I could taste the liquor he must have drank and then a slight hint of mint. I closed my eyes as his taste oozed between my lips. I looked back at him, he moved closer to me narrowing the space between us. He took his fingers and dragged them from my hand to my cheeks pushing a stray hair back into its place. I exhaled releasing the smoke between the small space between us. Our eyes followed the smoke untill it dissapeared into the night sky, "There you go love." Matty whispered as he walked away smoke escaping his mouth. I followed him taking another drag from my ciggerate. I looked around the darkness for George and Jordan but they were no where to be found, i couldn't even hear them. I looked over at Matty, he was pulling another drag from his ciggerate. His lips tightened around the stick and he sucked carefully inhaling the smoke, he looked up at the sky and slowly opened his lips allowing the smoke to travel into the air. His lips fell back into a relaxed line, it was just me and Matty now.

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