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Guys i dont have school tomorrow <3333


check out my new story called: Canvas -Ashton Iwrin- 

go to my profile and give it a look? /-\ mention it to your friends? lol thanks guys 



White flakes flew around the crowded store as Nick, Jordan and I were out shopping for the house. We already have a basket filled with lights, candles, and little snowmen to place around. I smiled as Nick glanced over all the objects she bought, 

"Do you always get this festive on the holidays?" Jordan asked as we dumped the basket onto the conveyor belt. 

"I'm only being fesitve, and only for Christmas." Nick answered stepping in fornt of us so she could pay. 

"Aren't you guys festive?" Nick askd looking over at Jordan and i. Jordan was very festive with her family and their gatherings, i attended all of them always. I on the other hand wasn't fond of Christmas, for very simple facts. Christmas reminds me of my mother, someone who is a hard worker, dedicated, and disciplined for greatness. With those traits left no room for her only daughter, Christmas was nice. I got the toys i wanted, i got the money i asked for, i should have been happy. But waking up without my mother was always enough to put any toy or amount of money to shame. She was always to busy or to tired from working. So when i finally met Jordan, i spent my Christmas's with her and her family after seeing if i could spend it with my mom. 

"Oh yeah my family is very festive." Jordan said smiling, and they were. The familiar smells of chicken, turkey, and bread rolls filled my nostrils. 

"What about yours Naomi?" Nick said handing the cashier her credit card. I cleared my throat looking down at my shoes, 

"Oh yeah, we do normal Christmas stuff." I said throwing her a quick smile. And we did, now that i'm older and live on my own it was easier to wake up alone on Christmas. My mother would call me saying if she was available to be seen, as sad as it is to put it that way, and i would go see her. We would have breakfast or some coffee and exchange gifts and talk about our lives so far. In the end it would just end in a bittersweet mix of emotions, and i would head over to Jordan's to cure my problems. 

"That's adorable! Oh i'm so excited." Nick exclaimed as we began gathering bags to take to her car. I smiled as both girls were beginning to go off into another topic about presents and i began to think of what i would get Matty. As i settled in the back of the car i began picking at my lips searching my mind for what he might want. And i began to worry as i couldn't come up with a single gift, not one. 

"Naomi what do you think about me getting George a ton of weed?" Jordan said smiling at me, i nearly choked on my saliva. 

"Why would you do that?!" I said smacking her arm. Jordan and Nick fell into my laughter, 

"Because he'd love it!" Jordan said as she looked between Nick and I. I nodded, 

"He would, do it." I said shurgging. Nick nodded her head, 

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now