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hey guys (: so Matty has been tweeting a lot omg <3! so i hope you guys are ready for DRRRAAAMMAA because i am ;D muahahaha! alright enough of me, enjoy guys !


I sat typing away at the computer, my eyes drying up looking at the screen. I pushed my glasses up the brigde of my nose, i looked at the clock sighing. "Fifteen more minutes." I continued to type away clicking through out customers name making sure everything was okay.

"Hello." I plastered a smile before looking up,

"Hi how can i help you?" I finally looked up, my eyes widened.

"I'd like to know if you'd want to get dinner?" His green eyes smiling at me, i looked down suddenly nervous.

"Uh- right now ?" I looked around not really knowing what to think of this. Why would Alex come to my job? I must've mentioned it maybe once or twice to him that i worked at the hotel.

"Well obviously when your shift is over." He said to me leaning on the counter ever so cooly. I looked back at the clock on my computer i had ten minutes left,

"I get off in ten minutes." Alex snapped up smiling at the ground,

"Alright meet me at Madeo." Alex said already walking away from my little desk.

"Madeo?!" I said, that place was actually really nice. But as i looked up he was already out the door walking away to his car, i slumped lower into my chair breathing out a shaky breath. Why in the world would he come and ask me to dinner? Fuck, well i couldn't say no he was already going to the place...and italian sounds really good right now. I ran my hands through my hair quickly looking back at the clock, it was time to go. I shut down my computer on auto-pilot grabbing my bag from under my desk, i guess i was going to dinner with Alex. I looked down at my attire, it was appropiate. My black dress hugged my chest flowing down mid-thigh, my favorite red heels supporting my feet, and my straightened hair hung down my back. I sighed walking away from my desk to the exit to the parking garage, my heels clicked along as i moved form carpet to concrete. I waved goodbye at a couple of the janitors who were actually nice to me, i passed through another set of double doors leading me to my car. I fished through my bag finding my keys, i got in. I drove away from the hotel parking lot through the twilight streets of LA, i turned on the radio attempting to calm my nerves. Why would Alex just come and take me to dinner? Especially without me knowing, what if i didn't like italian! I sighed following the curve of the street, the restuarant wasn't to far down. I quickly found a parking spot shutting off my car, i exhaled deeply. Flipping down my visor i once again checked my appearance, my make up was fine, my hair was okay...i already checked my outift. I reached over into my purse grabbing the tube of lipgloss, i opened forming my lips into a small kiss; i applied the gloss onto my lips. Stepping out into the crisp air i suddenly gained nerves...fuck why was i nervous? It was just dinner with Alex, it's not like it's dinner with Matty...even though i wish that so much. I opened the door to Madeo instantly smelling the fresh bread being cooked, i walked up to the hostess,

"Hello ma'm party of one or reservations?" I smiled looking around for Alex,

"Uh..someone by the name of Alex Young is already here waiting for me." The hostess smiled grabbing a menu,

"Right this way Mrs.Young." She chimed to me with a bright smile, my eyes widened,

"Oh uh thank you but i'm not his wife." I followed the girl back to a table where Alex sat sipping on his wine, his gaze fixed to art on the walls. He wore grey slacks with a white dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up exposing his muscular arms, his blonde hair fell in curls around his face, and god damn did he look good. I instantly looked at the back of the hostess dress so he wouldn't catch my staring,

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