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So guys i went to camp and we placed first :D i am so happy to start my senior off this way <3 but sad that this is my senior year, any seniors reading?(: Anyways guys preeeetttyyy please comment i need feedback from people who actually read! But in other news thank you for all who have been reading, voting, and commenting much love to you all. Oh today was my first day of school ):


Nick POV (yes this is happening)

I lied against the bed feeling Ross's head against my chest, he was sound asleep. I was so glad i could share moments like this with him. His even breathing was soothing as the bumpy road shook underneath us, the bus was quiet as the rest of the boys were sleeping as well. I heard a vibration coming from someone's bunk and i knew it would continue to ring i sighed, "Fuck." i mumbled twisting my body out of Ross's arms, immediately i felt cold. I tip-toed across the bus holding onto the wall just incase there was a sudden stop. I listened for the vibrations, i heard it again. It came from a bunk, i found where it came from. Matty. I sighed skipping over to his punk and pulled the phone from his hands, i hoped it was Naomi. I missed her, yes i missed her. I flipped the phone over to see the name across his iphone, i scowled.


I answered the phone with an eye roll, "What? Matty is asleep." I really didn't like this girl. I felt like she was trying to sabotage Naomi and Matty's relationship.

"O-oh i didn't know im sorry. Is this Naomi?" Her stupid voice stumbled out, i can only imagine her dumb blonde hair whipping around.

"How do you know Naomi?" I asked stepping away from Matty's bunk, she fucking knew? And she was still bugging Matty twenty four fucking seven?!

"He told me about her." She said very snappy, oh hell no.

"And you continue to call and text him up the ass?" I said putting my hands against my chest, this fucking girl.

"It's really not like that, whoever this is, Matty and i are trying to work out something in the managing department." I scoffed, management? "But i need to explain myself to you." She finished, i laughed.

"Honey what does it even matter? You would never been manager because im manager, im sure he's just saying that to make you finish school." I smirked, "So goodnight and please leave Matty and Naomi alone." I hung up the phone extremely pleased with myself. I turned around to see that all the boys were still asleep. I walked back over to Matty's bed, i slipped back the little curtain seeing his sleeping body. I smiled as he cuddled with the pillow, i placed his phone right next to his hand. I skipped off back to the bunk, i climbed in seeing Ross was still asleep. I snuggled into his arms as i fit perfectly against his body, i sighed feeling content with the moment. I shut my eyes and flicked the light off, allowing my breathing to become even and steady.

"What did i do to get such a sneaky little girlfriend?" I heard Ross whisper into my ear and i jumped up, stiffening my body. God damn it.

"Me? Sneaky?" I said turning to face Ross, his sleepy eyes holding my alarmed ones. He always caught me doing this shit, and i honestly felt really bad for him. Everyone knew me as the bitchy girl, and they always thought how could Ross put up with someone like me. And i always think the same.

"Is there other sneaky beautiful girl i am attracted to?" Ross said snaking an arm around my waist pulling my body closer to his. I giggled against his chest.

"There better not be or i'll hunt you down." I said stroking his chest. Ross grumbled a laugh,

"There is no one else but you Nickie, only you." My heart fluttered at the name, he was one of the few who still called me by my full name. "Why don't you want people calling you by the name babe?" Ross mumbled as i looked up at him, his beard tickiling my face.

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