// 9 //

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Hi guys(: i hope you enjoy the story so far there's so much more to come!(: Don't be shy to comment I enjoy reading them ! :D


Our ciggerates were long burnt out by now and the air grew colder than before, and our feet still carried us through the park. "You're oftly quiet there." I looked over at Matty, he dug his hands into his coat pockets.

"I'm sorry i just don't really know what to say." I said honestly, Matty smirked.

"How old are you?" i smiled at his randomness,

"I'm 22. How old are you?" He responded cooly,

"25." It was my turn to let curosity get the best of me, "What's it like?" He cocked his head at me,

"What's what like?" I turned to him,

"Being in a band, what's it like?" He stopped walking, i looked at him and he sat down. I felt his hand drag around my thighs in a circular motion as he tugged on my pants, i smiled and sat next to him bringing my knees to my chest.

"It's fucking crazy i'll tell you that. But it's amazing at the same time. I get to be with my best mates, make music, play music. It's perfectly fucking chaotic." He said staring off into the sky. When he spoke he held this beauty to him, something about him made me want to listen to more of what he had to say. "Did you like us? I mean it sounds totally fucking self centered but i really do want to know." I smiled, i loved his accent.

"How do you know i went to your concert?" Matty leaned back on the ground pulling his hood over his head, i looked at him.

"How could i forget. You were the only one standing still there. Everyone else was going fucking mental." I laughed, did i really seem that fucking dazed?

"I'm sorry, i do like your music i was really impressed with you guys. I just never heard of you guys before, honestly." Matty looked at me,

"I like honesty, don't be sorry darling." I smiled at him blushing slightly. Matty dropped the smile and focused on me more, my eyes grew wide as my nervousness shot up again. He pulled on my jacket pulling his lips between his teeth, i looked at his hand as he gave me another tug, i began to lie back and he threw and arm around my body. My breathing stopped as my back hit the cold ground, Matty turned his head to me looking deep into my eyes. "What's your full name?" Matty asked as he looked back at the sky.

"Naomi Monroe, i thought you knew this." Matty looked at me again,

"No middle name?" I bit my lips,

"It's ugly." Matty scoffed,

"It can't be that bad." Matty said rolling his eyes at me.  I looked at him shaking my head,

"It is! It makes no sense." Matty shifted his body so now he was on his side,

"Okay mine is Matthew Timothy Healy." I looked at him, it wasn't a bad name it fit him. It was cute, Timothy.

"Well...fine i'll tell you." Matty smiled, an actual smile. And fuck was it beautiful, his lips pulled all the way revealing his teeth, the smile etched onto his face, his features contouring. His soft eyes grew smaller as his cheeks pressed on his porcelain face. "It's Naomi...Lee...Monroe." the words were dragged out as if they were painful.

"Really? Is that it?" I looked at him. "Yeah, it's ugly." Matty gave me a face,

" So dramatic you LA girls." My smile faded...girls? I looked down, how could i be so stupid. Of course there were other girls. Matty caught on, "Oh shit no, no i don't mean it like that." I rolled over onto my back,

"No i get it you're famous of course there's going to be other girls you...hang out with." I mentally laughed at myself, I fucking wished they only ' hung out'.Before i could comprehend anything Matty rolled over so now he was ontop of me. I sucked in a breath suddenly afraid of how close he was to me. I could feel his warm breath fanning against my face whenever he breathed.

"Naomi i don't want you to think i'm with a lot of girls. It's really not like that dalring. You know you just meet fucking mental girls and they lose their shit over you. It's really not like that." Matty dragged his hand to my face pulling it so my face was at his level. "I don't know why im explaining myself to you Naomi, but i am. And i don't know what it is about you that make me go fucking mental but...there's something about ya darling." I held his stare his deep brown eyes captivated mine. It was as if his eyes pinned me down and i was forced to listen to this, but i honestly didn't know what to make of it. I wasn't really sure how i felt about him, i know that i was attracted to him physically. Physically i was fucking aching for him, mentally i wasn't so sure. And emotionally, well i was to scared to venture that far into my feelings. But honestly i didn't want just physical things, i wanted more. I was done playing games. "Naomi, do you believe me?" I looked at him again, his dark curls touched my cheeks, his eyes held mine like they were afraid i was going to leave if he let go, his lips pulled between his teeth while he waited for my response.

"I do believe you Matty." Matty exhaled the breath he was holding,

"Good." Matty said not once breaking our stare. I smiled at him as he rested his hands on my chest placing his face on them. I wasn't sure what to say now...i was still processing what he told me. "Naomi do you have a boyfriend?" I scrunched my eyebrows at the question,

"No." Matty shook his head,

"Good." I scoffed at him suddenly unsure of all his questioning. Yes he was fucking god like but i wasn't going to just throw myself at himself, he was in for a real fucking surprise if he thought that way about me. 

"Why good?" I said feeling my eyebrows scrunch up at him, 

Matty licked his lips, "Because darling." I shook my head looking up at the sky. Suddenly the silence was broken to footsteps, Matty placed his hands on either side of me dipping his face extremely close to mine. So close the tip of his nose met mine, he pushed himself off my body an immediately I wanted to feel him again, but sadly he helped me up as we turned to see who made that noise. I saw Jordan and George holding hands laughing and talking. Matty and i made our way to them,"Have fun mate?" Matty asked George placing a hand on his back, George nodded his head to Matty,

"Lots of fun." George said placing a sly smile on his face. Jordan cuddled up close to George and Matty found my side and we made our way back to the car. The drive back to the hotel was painfully quiet, George and Jordan fell asleep and Matty was not talking. I got nervous, i don't know what he was thinking but i didn't want to find out if it was anything bad. I pulled into the circular drive way and Matty placed his hand over mine. My eyes jumped to his, "Thank you Naomi for tonight, it was lovely." I smiled at him,

"No problem Matty." As he took off his seatbelt he pulled my face with his thumb and index finger, i saw pink full lips coming towards my face and i froze. I felt a soft pair of lips hit my forehead then travel down to the top of my cheek bone.My body flamed immediately as i felt the softest lips tpuch my face. I could smell the cigarette lingering on his breath as he breathed between each kiss. My mouth hung open as i wanted more, but was for to shy to ask for it. Two soft kisses placed upon me by Matty was all i needed to not be able to function. Fuck even the first kiss stopped me in my tracks. Matty let go of my face with his fingers lingering there, he turned around closing my door and dissapeared with George behind the glass doors. I knew where he would be going, and where he would be sleeping tonight. The mere fact that i knew that much killed me. I honestly didn't want tonight to end, i thought on the drive back home. Now that i carried a very drunk Jessica into my home i was happy she called me tonight. Tonight i was extremely positive that i would see Matty again, not in person however, but in my dreams.

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