// 22 //

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Hey guys ;D so im still leaving you on that cliff hanger...soz mates cx It's time to switch back to Naomi. So i just wanted to thank you all for the votes, comments, and reads this really means a lot to me guys <3 love you all heaps. Oh btw im trying a new way of writing the characters conversations because some people have said its a bit confusing (: comment any feedback (: 


I tapped my fingers on my knee as i sat against a shady tree, the beat filling my ears and mind. I felt the wind whipping against my cheeks my hair blowing over my face. I looked down at my phone seeing a new text, i unlocked it quickly seeing it was from Alex.

Nerd, sitting alone by the tree

I looked around trying to find that tall bonde, but nothing was in view. I sighed resting my head against the tree i let out a puff of air but something hit my shoulder. I jumped opening up my eyes, "What the?" I said snapping my head, my eyes took hold of a built blonde in a tank and cargo's. I scanned him up and down seeing those messy blonde curls in his face, that same goofy smile that makes me smile, the arms of a supposed drummer, and the aura of a bubbly loving person.

"Alex!" I said standing up smacking his chest, "Don't scare me like that!" I said as we both smiled at each other. 

"Did i scare you? Im sorry." Alex said moving closer to me widening his arms, i stepped closer into his embrace. Our arms wrapped around each other and instantly his cologne hit my nose, i breathed in the warming scent shutting my eyes with a smile on my face. I squeezed his waist feeling the tightness of his body, i never noticed this before. As his arms wrapped around my arms i could feel the pull of his muscles , i relished in his embrace.(guys my dog typed this sentence, sorry back to the story) 

"What are ya doing out here all by yourself?" Alex asked moving his head to see me, we were still in the embrace, his voice rang through my ears. 

"Well i was waiting for Jordan but she's taking for ever!" I broke the feeling of his arms around me as i went to see if she was coming, still no sign of her.  "She usually doesn't take this damn long." I said throwing up my arms in defeat. 

"Maybe she ditched you." Alex said, i turned at him scoffing. All he held was that devlish smile, the one that made my stomach turn. His lips were full while his dimples sunk deep into his face, his green eyes turning into little happy ones. 

"She would not do that to me." I said rolling my eyes, but a vibration pulled my eyes away. Jordan's name flashed across my screen, "Speak of the devil." I groaned answering the phone. Alex smiled at me as we both looked back at each other. "Hello?" I said into my phone. 

"Okay, don't hate me but um...George called and he wants to skype when i get home." I heard the plead in her voice. 

"Yeah, yeah that's fine." I said cutting it short and hanging up, my stomach  turned with the fact that i haven't heard from Matty since the night he brought the present. I hung my head a little low as i slipped my phone into my pocket, why was it so damn difficult to talk? George and Jordan are always talking, mostly through texts but something was better than nothing. 

"What happened?" Alex said placing his hand on my shoulder, i looked up at him seeing the concern written on his face. I sighed. 

"Well, Jordan has plans with her boyfriend...so i am ditched." I said shurgging my shoulders, i added a forced smile just to secure that he wouldn't ask any further. I prayed he wouldn't ask anything else because i wasn't too sure if i was ready or even comfortable taking about Matty to Alex. 

"I'm sorry Naomi, i was only playing when i said she ditched you. You know that right?" Alex asked, i smiled at him. 

"Of course i know it was un-intentional." i said waving him off because it was fine. Alex wasn't the reason why i was really bothered. I looked at Alex, why was i bothered? He saw me looking at him, he stuck his tounge out at me. A laughed escaped my lips as well as a smile on my face, why was it so easy for him to make me smile. 

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now