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So guys did anyone else see that Matty tweet with Wiz? Holy sh*t haha, so i hope you guys enjoy(: How are you all liking Alex? Leave comments guys ? It makes me sad seeing none ): but that aside thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments you have given (: love you all heaps


"So tell me again, what did he say?" Jordan asked. I rolled my eyes,

"He told me not to cry, and he will see me soon." Jordan smiled sipping on her drink. I sighed taking another drink from mine,

"Don't smile. Be happy George doesn't get himself in the hospital." I sighed,

"You know even if he was in the hospital at least he would make the effort to see you or even fucking talk to you for more than five minutes!" Jordan laughed her ass off in the chair next to me,

"You know if you hate him so much why don't you just get off with Alex?" I smacked her arm,

"I don't hate him, and there's nothing going on with Alex." Jordan pushed her drink back to the bartender,

"Look, you like him more than you let on. Why can't you accept that?" I threw my head back,

"It's not as easy for me, i'm not like you and George." Jordan huffed,

"You've been having a sick up your ass for like two months." I rubbed my face,

"I'm sorry, i just don't know how to deal with this as well as you are." And it was true, i don't know how Jordan was dealing with this. I know George talked to her more then Matty talks to me but even when he didn't she was completely fine.

"You're to hard on yourself, just go with the flow, you know Matty likes you back and you know he's super busy. Just enjoy going to school, enjoy having me around, enjoy whatever it is you have with Alex, just enjoy your life. Stop being so damn analytical."

"Oh like me analyzing the fact that we have class in les than 30 minutes." I nudged Jordan in the rib,Jordan cursed under her breath as she threw the money on the table dashing out the door. "I don't understand how you go to class drunk." I said sliding into her car.

"It makes class waay more interesting." She started up her car taking us back to campus.

"What about you and George?" I asked her picking at the material of my jeans.

"What about us?" Jordan asked changing the station,

"How are you guys? He kind of just showed up yesterday." Jordan smiled as the beat to the next song came on.

"We are good, and yeah it was surprising to finally see him face to face. I got tired of the skype calls." I dropped my head,

"You guys skype?" Jordan smiled,

"Yeah, don't you guys?" I shook my head, of course we didn't. "Hey, don't worry about it. Matty has his own way of doing things." I nodded trying to let go of the sadness. I know he wasn't like every guy, that's just something you get from Matty. He's different. "Don't let it bother you Naomi, just focus on yourself and all this time will go by ten times faster." I looked over at Jordan who believed what she said. And now i thought to myself would i be able to make myself believe it? Would i be able to believe that if i just focus on myself and remember that he likes me, at least i hope he does, when November comes around everything will be back to normal? Before my mind could jump further into anymore thoughts the car stopped. I looked up and saw our campus ahead of us, "I'll see you later?"Jordan said as i took off my seatbelt,

"Yeah." I responded as i went to the back seat to get my bag. It's only been two months and im feeling this way, the truth is i don't even know how i fucking feel. I feel like im to dramatic about this, then i feel that i don't care enough, maybe to much? I threw my hands up to my hair running my stressed hands through it. I took a deep breath closing my eyes, but i continued to walk. I needed to get this out of my head for right now, i could deal with this later but not now. I needed to focus on school, focus on class i n-

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