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i can't believe this is coming to an end

Naomi POV

The music was blaring as people were dancing all around the room. A smile spread on my face as i threw my hands in the air, dancing along to the beat. The familiar sounds of Pressure blurred through the club, I looked over to my left seeing Nick and Jordan smiling and dancing right along with me. I watched the whole room jump and move right along with him. I loved these moments where i could just watch, i felt like i could truly marvel in what Matty does. For a moment i stopped dancing, my hands holding onto the railing as i watched him sing the last note. His head bouncing around his shoulders, as a smile swept over my face. He was always such a handsome man, but in this moment he has never looked so attractive. His head picked up looking towards the balcony, the fans screaming in acceptance as he smiled at me. I smiled back blowing him a quick kiss as he continued on with the next song, Matty pressed his lips back to the mic as he opened his mouth to speak,

"Oh Los Angeles, it good to be back! We missed you Los Angeles." He spoke. Instantly the crowd roared, i smiled as he looked out into the crowd. "If you don't know who we are i don't know why the fu.ck you are here but i will introduce myself." A smirk fell onto his face as he looked behind him, nodding to all the boys. "I am Matty Healy." He said waving out to the crowd as they erupted with roars.

"I am Adam Hann." Adam said sofly into the microphone, i smiled at his shyness as the crowd screamed for him. Ross's deep voice filled the room,

"I am Ross MacDonald." He said giving a little wave as i caught his eyes averting up to Nick. A small smile pressed on her cheek as she shook her head,

"I am George Daniel." George panted out as the final roars erupted for their introductions. Matty took a large gulp of his wine as he made his way back to the microphone stand,

"W-we are The 1975! This is our last song Los Angeles and i want you all to go mental for us." Matty slurred into the mic as the whole room began chanting,

"Sex! Sex!" I smiled as i looked over to a laughing Nick and Jordan. They both winked at me as Jordan's hand trailed down her stomach. The lights began flashing as Matty began singing, the same guitar strings were vibrating through the whole venue as everyone screamed for them.

And this is how it starts

Matty began, and the whole room sang along with him as did i. I belted the lyrics as i watched him dance around the stage, his sweaty curls falling all around his face. And as i watched i felt my self falling a little bit harder with each word he sang.

"Naomi! Naomi!" Jordan's voice called to me. I snapped out of my dazed thoughts turning to her instantly,

"Yeah? Sorry i was uh..thinking." I said moving my sweaty hair to the side. Jordan smiled as she nodded,

"Uhuh i can see that, Nick and are going back to the house, you coming?" Jordan asked. I nodded my head,

"Yeah why not." I said pulling out my phone to text Matty to not wait up for me. The three of us walked out of the venue through a series of back doors to the awaiting cab. The drive back was fairly silent, well at least it was for me as soon as my eyes shut. I didn't realize just how tired i was until my back hit something warm and comfortable.


"Oh will you stop yelling at me for a moment!" his deep voice said a little too loudly, softly waking me from my sleep. I don't remember ending up in the bedroom i shared with Matty but here i was, curled up in my PJ's and a mess of blankets.

"You better not screw this up Matty, for once you have something good in your life." the voice said icily. I craned my neck a little further in hopes to hear just a little bit better. I know it was bad to eavsedrop but i just couldn't help myself,

"You don't have to treat me like a child Nick. I can make my own choices." Matty hissed, i clutched the sheets a little closer to me.

"Think about the choices you've made so far." Nick spat as a door slammed causing me to jump at the sudden noise. I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep as i heard his footsteps nearing the door, I stirred softly as I felt his weight dip on the bed.

"Fuc.king hell." Matty whispered as he crawled next to me. I felt his breath fanning over me a his hair tickled my cheeks. "I know you probably can't here me love but I missed you tonight. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you." Matty whispered. His lips must have been so close to me, I faintly feel them against my own. "I love you, and it scares the hell out of me." Matty whispered once more before placing his lips on my own. For a moment I stood still feeling his soft slow lips on mine. Right before I moved my lips back, a low grown escaping my lips. Matty pulled away slowly as my eyes slowly opened.

"Hi." I said softly as I watched him watch me. His lips pulled into a smile as I felt his arms wrap around my hips.

"Hello love." Matty whispered as he buried his face into the pillow.

"How was the rest of your night?" I asked trailing my fingers down his arms. Matty smiled softly looking at me,

"Fine. There were so many fans." he commented, his voice growing a little husky.

"Mm...thats good babe." I said feeling my eyes growing a little heavy all over again.

"They were asking about you darling." Matty said softly as he began to shut his eyes. I trailed my hand up to his cheeks, rubbing small circles into his skin,

"I'm sorry babe, Jordan wasn't feeling to well." I said smiling at his sleepy body. Matty nodded his head, a sleepy sigh leaving his lips,

"It's okay baby." Matty said pulling me closer to him, "I am so tired." Matty mumbled, the closer I got to him the more alcohol I could smell on his breath.

"Go to sleep Matty." I whispered placing a kiss on his cold nose,

"Mmm...there's still something I need to tell you." He whispered, the smell of the alcohol making my nose scrunch up. I pulled my face away from his slightly,

"What is it?" I asked, awaiting his response. Matty snuggled his face deeper into the pillow as his lips moved,

"Ge...." The rest was muffled by the sheets he pulled over his mouth. I furrowed my brows moving a little closer to him,

"What?" I said as Matty was slipping into sleep,

"Gemma....." Matty breathed out, all the wine he drank slapping me in the face as I stared. He must've fallen asleep instantly as his fingers went limp against my skin, his body rising and falling with each breath. All the while I lied there staring completely dumbfounded. My shifted back to the conversation he was having with Nick. They had to have been talking about her, but what would make them talk about her? I looked up at him, his calm face taken over my sleep as his lips parted to sigh into the pillow. A little anger washed over me as the sound of her name kept replaying over and over in my head...i couldn't lay here anymore. I ripped myself out of his grip, his body stirring softly as I pushed myself out of the bed. Grabbing my sweater I rushed out of the room, I don't know where I was going but I needed to go somewhere to get my mind off of my boyfriend saying her name.

// ooooooh sheeeeeiiittt, am I buttering you all up yet ?(; I hope you all had a good new year :-) so like idk I never rant on here cause...i just don't but something really pissed me off today :p in short someone is suddenly uncomfortable with their own writing . I don't understand how you can write something you're uncomfortable with, it makes no sense to me. Its your own thoughts & your own story & if you can't be comfortable in your own thoughts then wth, don't write something that makes yourself uncomfortable ! Idk...it just makes me think! Anyways! Ily all :-) thank you so much for making my year so amazing literally every single one of you who are reading this, who comments, votes, anything you guys make me so happy :-)


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