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The show was mental, that is my only word for it.

I always hated waking in the morning, every day was the same. I lied in bed for another ten minutes too long, and was always running out the door to either uni or work. But knowing that Christmas was three days away, made me a little happy that i was off on breaks. But as every year, i was accompanied with the nerves of seeing my mother. I sighed turning to my side glancing a head full of black curls,

"I'm going to go shower." I whispered into his ear as i placed a soft kiss on his cheek, i rolled out of bed feeling the cold air in my bones.

"Wait for me, i'll be there shortly love." Matty called out as i made my way to my bathroom. As my feet met the icy tile floor i began turning the knobs to warm water. As the shower raged on, i began undressing peeling off my pajamas. I stuck my cold and underneath the warming water satisfied with the heat that was coming off the water. I stepped into the shower accepting the warmth that stopped the goosebumps forming on my skin. As the water soaked my hair and skin there was another body in the room. I turned at the noise of their footsteps peeking my head through the foggy glass.

"Matty." I called out as the door opened before me, in walked in a sleepy man. His eyes still softly shut as his naked body walked into inviting shower.

"Yes love?" He whispered as he shut the door behind him, a cold gush of air sent my body into shock. I watched as he sauntered into the shower, opening his arms to me as we both stepped closer to one another,

"Nothing." I said smiling as our skins met. Matty's arms wrapped tightly around my waist as i threw my arms across his neck.

"You're so beautiful." Matty mumbled onto my cheek as he placed soft kisses against my damp skin.

"What's with you being so sweet this morning?" I mumbled onto his collar bone also placing soft kisses onto him. Matty chuckled against me, the water trickling onto my face.

"I just know you've been worried bub, i hate seeing you this way." Matty said pulling away from me,

"I know, i'm sorry i've been acting like a wanker." I mumbled moving the wet hair out of my face, Matty laughed a very beautiful laugh. His smile pulled back across his face as he moved the water from his face,

"Baby that's not how you use the term Wanker." Matty said turning behind me. I blushed softly as his full body was on display for me,

"Oops." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Turn around Naomi." Matty said squeezing some shampoo into his large hands. I did as i was told putting my bare a.ss in front of Matty. His hands reached deep into my hair as the new smell of strawberried floated around the bathroom. "I know you're worried about your mother darling, but please don't let it ruin your holiday." Matty whispered as his fingers worked in and out of my hair.

"I'm trying, she just makes me so nervous." I sighed thinking of all the ruined holidays i've had. I know i shoudl've enjoyed any of the time i had with her. And i did, i liked seeing her i may not have enjoyed our sad conversations, but i enjoyed being with her.

"If i could do something i would love." Matty whispered into my ear as he pulled me back underneath the water. Matty stood in front of me as he tipped my head back, the water fell down around my head as he washed the shampoo from my hair. His skilled fingers worked through my hair as my nerves began to wash away with the soapy shampoo.

"I just need to get through it, that's the only thing i can do." I said as i ran my fingers through my soaked hair.

"I-I could go with you?" Matty nearly squeaked, i snapped my eyes to him. I didn't know what to say...yes? No? Hell no? Please? I didn't know what the hell to say,

"I-i don't know babe." I said looking at Matty, his eyes were soft as i still pondered my answer. I didn't see what could go wrong, she could act a little happier that i found someone. Or she could tell me to just go home....anything could happen.

"I know you're hesitant darling, but i just want to make sure you're okay." Matty said placing a hand on my cheek. The pad of his thumb rubbing the water off my cheeks. He was right, i was always a mess with my mother, maybe just maybe Matty could break down some barriers with her.

"Okay...we'll go together." I said to Matty smiling softly. Matty nodded his head as he reached over for the body wash.

"Don't worry Naomi, i won't let anything happen to you." Matty declared as his fingers ran over every inch of my body. I shut my eyes as his fingers washed over my hips rubbing soapy circles onto my skin.

"I love you." I said to Matty as we both stepped under the water. His lips took ahold of mine as his hands rubbed off every bit of soap. As he reached more intimate places i moaned as his fingers brushed against my sex.

"I love you too." Matty moaned as his fingers slipped between my thighs.


"Have you ever seen him so happy?" Nick mumbled into my ear as Ross hung up his stuffed penguins against the fireplace.

"Nope, he really loves penguins." I said to Nick as she smiled at Ross.

"Okay, penguins are up! All that's left is the star." Ross said to Nick and I with a beardy grin.

"That's left for Christmad Eve." Jordan said walking in with George and a handful of boxes. I turned smiling to Jordan and George as Matty and Adam came running in with lights in their hands.

"I heard you people throw ugly sweater parties, are we going to do that?" Adam asked as he placed the white lights on the couch,

"Okay when you say ' you people ' you make it seem like you're a different species Adam!" I said laughing along with Nick, Adam shrugged his shoulders smiling,

"Well i perfer Brits over Americans." Adam said walking over to me, i stuck my tounge out to him as we both shared a laughed.

"Well you're in America now so get over it." I said rolling my eyes at him. Adam winked as he laughed off walking in a different direction than i was.

"Are you still going to your moms?" Jordan said from behind me, i turned looking at her. Her eyes are extremely cautious, i nodded slowly.

"Yeah...with Matty..." I said trailing off Jordan's eyes grew wide as she nodded at him.

"Well, i wish you two the best of luck." Jordan said putting on a sympathetic smile,

"I know..thank you." I said sighing, i was so nervous. Tomorrow i would be seeing my mother with my boyfriend, things could either go horribly wrong or incredibly right.

"Hey, don't freak out to much. For Matty's sake, im sure everything will be fine. And if not you know i'm right here with George." Jordan said pulling me into a tight hug. As she comforted me i finally felt some reassurance, i know Matty was trying his hardest to calm me and it was working. But being in the arms of my best friend just made my heart return to a normal pace. I took a final breath simulating the nerves of seeing my mother exhale, i was going to have to face her some day. What better day than Christmas Eve.


She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now