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"Jordan i really don't think they are gunna be out here!" i whined regretting my choice of clothing for this chilly april night.

"Naomi shut the fuck up yeah? I'm trying to find my husband." I rolled my eyes at her attempting to pull my crop top a little bit lower. Jordan started walking down some stairs that led to the garage, "Down here?" I said to her following,

"Yeah, i think so the club had stairs but we didn't go down them." I just kept behind her, there were a lot of creeps out here at night and i didn't want to be left behind. Finally we got down to the garage and i think Jordan was right. There was at least 10 other people here waiting in front of these double doors, Jessica pulled me close and we ran across getting into the littlecrowd . " Give me your purse." Jordan said grabbing my bag,

"Okay okay, relax." She fumbled through my bag getting out a CD and a sharpie. I didn't even know she put that in my bag. I looked around looking at all these other fans. A lot of them were girls, pretty, tall, they had band shirts on too. I saw some boys, but the ones i saw were dressed in all black, or other band shirts. I turned my eyes back to the double doors and they opened with ease. Of course the girls ran up to them but the security guards held them back, I saw Ross smiling at it all.

" Please, everyone relax! I want to meet you all, so please just get in a line. I really want to meet you all." Matty spoke and it everyone stopped to hear him. He walked to the front of the line and I followed Jordan to the middle,

"Okay i see George, i want to take a picture with him so get ready!" I shook my head at her, she really was caught up in these guys. I watched Matty go down the line; saying hi, talking to people, taking pictures with them...he was really down to earth. And he was getting closer to us, my hands started getting sweaty. Why was i getting nervous?

" Hey! Your the set list girl!" My eyes immediately found the voice, it was Ross.

"Yeah! Hi." I said extending my hand. He shook it, I eyed him seeing his warm smile across his soft face. He was wearing a large white shirt with the same tight black jeans they all seemend to wear, 

" Do you have anything for me to sign?" He said looking me up and down. I snapped quickly reaching into my bag, 

"Uh..yeah one second." I said quickly fishing through my bag, my ticket! They could sign my ticket. I grabbed it and handed it to Ross,

"Your name love?" He said smiling,

"Naomi." I said returning the same smile Ross flashed to me, 

"That's a great name." He said before moving onto Jordan. She looked so star struck it was hilaroius! I turned around to meet a hand hitting my arm.

"Hey, watch out!" I said almost falling backwards.

"Oh love im so sorry! Are ya okay?" My heart froze, it was him. He was right there, what do i do? "Oh shit, are ya okay?" He repeated my eyes met his,

"I'm fine." I said quickly. I could feel my eyes focus in on his untames curls. I took in his bare chest, i noticed the slight stubble on his face, 

"Too many drinks i suppose, i really am sorry." I put my hand on his shoulder, why did i just do that?

"Its fine really, i get it." Matty looked down at my hand, i dropped it. "Could you uh, sign my ticket?" I asked lamely,

"Sure love." He said taking the ticket. He scribbled something on the paper and handed it back, "Thank you for coming out tonight." He said while handing it back.

"Your show was great, i had a good time. This is my first time listening to you guys." Matty looked at me again, the sound of his voice sending waves through my body.

"You should listen more often." His smile  did things to my body that i never knew were possible. The words flowed from his soft lips and i was putty. He brushed his hair out of his face and was gone. Down the line he went to his other demanding fans. 

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now