// 10 //

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Hi guys, so i have a serious question this time! Should i do a Matty POV? I need some input, comment please<3 oh and i double updated cause i wont be on tomorrow im going to the Vans Warped Tour :D i didnt wanna leave you guys hanging(: BTW imagine the picture during the day cx


I felt the cold sheets on my skin as i lied in my bed. I couldn't get his lips out of my head, i kpet replaying that moment over and over in my mind, but the feeling of it never stopped playing. I looked over at my clock, it was 5 in the morning. Thank god for the late shift today, but still no matter how much time i spent away from Matty i still found myself growing anxious thinking of him. I sighed rethinking the night i had with Matty. First of all i fucking smoked with Matty, i haven't smoked since i was 18. I quit because of my stupid ass ex...but i wasn't going to start thinking of that asshole right now. I stood completely alone with Matty for hours, he could have been a creep and totally chopped me into peices! But besides all the dangers i could have faced i trusted Matty. I felt close to him like he wouldn't let anything hurt me, he enticed me to discover more of him. He enchanted me with that fucking british accent, he put me on edge with his sudden touched and kisses, i definately had a little school girl crush on him. He was fucking beautiful for fucks sake.

"Oooh im never drinking agaaiinn." I heard Jordan call from the floor, i peaked my head out to look at her.

"That's what you get fucker." I said running my hands over my face. She threw a pillow at me, i smiled, "So...how did you're night go?" I waved my eyebrows at her. She exposed one eye from the red pillow on her face,

"Oh a lady doesn't KISS and tell." My mouth dropped into a perfect O as she blushed harshly,

"NO FUCKING WAY!" I said sitting up. Jordan winced at the tone of my voice,

"Ugh, hangover over here." I laughed, still feeling giddy for my best friend.

"Sorry, how did that go?" Jordan exhaled covering her eyes,

"Fucking amazing, it was so...George. You know?" I titled my head,

"No i don't.." I said, she smiled remembering the moment they shared,

"It was perfect...we were walking and we came across the swings, so of course i had to get on. So he pushing me and we were talking, mostly flirting...and then suddenly he pulled my swing back and grabbed my face and just kissed me." Her eyes were taken back to the moment i could tell, she looked love struck.

"That's cute." I said smiling, in a way i was jealous of her. I wanted a kiss on the lips too, but i wasn't going to complain, i got my fix from him.

"Did he kiss you?" Jordan said giving me a devilish grin.

"He did, but not on the lips." Jordan sucked her teeth,

"That's BS!!" i smiled at her a laugh grumbling in my chest,

"Yeah but i got kisses anyways." I thought about those kisses once again and I found my self dying to feel them on my lips. Not to mention on other places on my body...Jesus.

Jordan left my house after we are a silent breakfast since she had her stupid hangover, when she left I decided to shower. I pulled out my phone and decided to listen to some music, I was glad I lived alone because I sang my heart out to many Alicia Keys songs, Mariah Carey, and even some Paramore songs. I stepped out of the shower and it was almost 1 I had 4 more hours till I had to go to work. I sighed, some days I just wanna stay home and eat ice cream forever! I decided to head back to my room and get ready for work, I was going to go out. I took my time flat ironing my softly curled hair, then I moved onto my make up leaving it light, finally my outfit. I'm not going to lie I wanted to look good just in case I would run into Matty, so I picked out my tight pencil skirt, a low cut black shirt and daringly high red heels. I looked in the mirror and sighed, was I really doing this ? I shook my head and settled on a less revealing shirt, still black but a more sensible cut however it hung only on my shoulders, I was still exposed just now I left some to the imagination. I headed out again to the Starbucks, this time I would not stay just in case I ran into George or Adam or Ross or even Matty himself. I weaved through the light traffic really thinking if my outfit choice was right I mean what if I didn't even see him, then I'd be one of those girls. The ones who try to hard for someone who isn't even their boyfriend, but it wasn't like I could go back and change I was already at the Starbucks. I quickly ordered my Black tea and headed back to the car. I knew exactly where I would go to relax. I pulled into the hotel parking lot and took the elevator up to the penthouse. I stood in the elevator watching the floors tick by when suddenly the elevator stopped on floor 15. The door opened and I nearly dropped my tea, walking in was a very distracted Matty, he had his headphones on and didn't even notice me. But I saw him and jesus did he look fucking amazing, he wore his signature black ripped jeans with a white cut off shirt and a beanie covering his beautiful curly hair. While I was admiring him there was a sudden shake in the elevator, that was weird. The again but the shaking was harder, I stumbled in the elevator bumping into Matty, "Shit Matty I'm so sorry!" He turned his head already smiling,

" Naomi, hello." the elevator opened to the penthouse floor and I attempted to walk out but Matty cut in front of me. "Erm, where are you going ?" I paused for a moment watching his eyes scan over me,

"Just a little place to relax." I said trying to get through but Matty caught my hand,

" May I join you?" I looked back at him, should I say no? Why the fuck would i say no oh my god! "Yeah, but on one condition Matty." Matty let go of me allowing me to step back,

"Okay, what is it?" I smiled at him, i may or may not have batted my eyelashes at him,

"It has to be our secret." Matty flashed a smile at me,

" My lips are sealed love." I looked at his lips for a moment, how soft they looked...then I walked forward leading him to my spot. There was a door that was supposedly used as a fire exit but it didn't work anymore, I grabbed the bobby pin I put in my hair and picked the lock, Matty scoffed, " I didn't know you picked locks Naomi...its quite sexy." thank god I had my back to him because I was as red as my bra,

" I'm not some good girl Matty, there's a lot you don't know about me." I could hear Mattys smile. I got the door opened and above held the roof, how ever It was covered by the helicopter landing pad so there was a nice shade. I had been here many times and it was enough for me to put a blanket in a safe hiding spot. I walked over to a old fire extinguisher box and pulled out my blanket,

" Wow you must come up here a lot." Matty said pointing to my big blanket,

"Occasionally yes." I said smiling. I fluffed out the blanket and sat down, Matty was still looking around. It was a nice view really, there were a few plants scattered, there was a bench but it was not comfy. But my favorite part was the lights strung on the ceiling, I layed back staring at them. I felt some rustling and my eyes averted to Matty,

" This is a wicked spot Naomi." I smiled at Matty watching him stare off the roof in amazement,

"Thanks." I said kicking off my heels. "Naomi can I tell you something?" Matty said turning his body to me, I looked at him feeling a little anxious,

" Sure Matty." I said turning to him also. Matty dropped his eyes looking at his hands,

"I've been thinking about doing something..." I waited for him to continue, but he didnt. He only looked at me, but something in his eyes told me there were alterior motives, then Matty moved his fingers to my cheeks. I completely froze under his touch, his fingers trailed from my cheek to my lips. Matty bit on his lips, "Naomi I don't know what it is about you but I can't get you out of my head. You're always fucking there." His voice came out in a whisper, I didn't know what to do, I know I wanted to fucking pounce on him.

" It seems we have the same dilemma." I said in a surprisingly confident voice, Matty looked at my eyes immediately,

"Is that so darling?" He said propping himself up with one arm. I was stuck all I could do was nod my head, and then my body was ignited with hot emotions. Matty dipped his face close to mine, so close his lips were grazing mine. Just that simple action had me on edge, I felt his fingers back at my face tracing the outline of my face. My breath caught my throat as he caught ahold on my chin, "You are so beautiful." Matty whispered the words and as soon as the fell from his lips he pressed them to mine. My eyes shut immediately with pleasure, Matty felt just as good as I thought. His lips held mine for a while until he moved them for another kiss and I moved along with him, his hands moved from my face down to my hips leaving my body hot. Matty nipped at my lips leaving them slightly stinging his lips were so soft against mine, the change of the soft kiss to the hard rough one was exactly what I wanted, my hands wrapped around Matty's neck as his hands tugged on my hips. "Naomi." Matty groaned through his kisses, I whimpered dreading that he would end this kiss, I rolled over so now I straddled him, not breaking the kiss. Matty grabbed a handful of my hair as he roughly kissed me, " Naomi, Jesus you don't know what you're doing to me." He whispered in my ear, I moaned softly at his words. Suddenly Matty moved his lips down to my neck sucking a biting his way down, my body shuddered under his lips and I dug my hair into his curls gripping them in my hands. "Fucking hell." Matty groaned as he came back to my mouth. I gasped as his fingers dug deep into my back, I kissed him back just as hard. Our lips moved in sync as we crashed into each other causing our lips to become swollen, I began to lose my breath. I think Matty could tell I was getting tired because he softened the kiss, his lips lingered on mine when he kissed me and his hands were back to my face, he kissed me once more pulling away slowly. My eyes were still closed as I heard his breathe, I opened them a little afraid of what I might see. I opened my eyes to see a smiling Matty, "Now that was a taste of LA, and darling I want more."

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now