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His eyes watched me intently as an awkward silence floated around us both.

"So what did you want?" I said softly. My hand curled around the coffee cup as we just stared. His lips lifted up in a smile as he spoke,

"Well I thought I'd join you since you looked lonely." Alex said easily. I brought the cup to my lips as I took a sip.

"I'm not lonely, I'm studying." I said looking at all the various papers i had sprawled out on the table. Alex smirked as he looked at me then the table filled with papers,

"You still go to school huh? Thought he would brain wash you that his lifestyle wouldn't require you to go to school." Alex said with a grin. I rolled my eyes as i pushed my stack of papers away.

"That's not even funny, as.s." I said lookin directly at Alex. His all black attire was something i was fairly used too but on him i took an extra moment to stare. His stringy blonde hair was sticking around his face, his pink lips pushed a smile as he spoke,

"It kind of is, but anyways what are you studying?" Alex said taking a sip of his ice coffee. I sighed running my fingers through my hair,

"Economics." I muttered. Alex sucked in a breath of air,

"Sucks, took it last quater." Alex said reaching across the paper grabbing one of my papers. He brought it closer to him as his brown hazel eyes scanned the paper.

"Your graphs are wrong." Alex said a little too easily. I scrunched my eyebrows up in frustration,

"How can they be wrong?" I said a little too harshly. Alex put the paper between the both of us,

"You have supply and demand mixed up, one goes up but really it should be going down." Alex said running his finger over my graph. I hung my head as i blew out an exaggerated breath snatching the paper back, "You know if we kept studying you'd know this by now." Alex mocked as i erased the line starting again.

"Shut up." i said as i redrew the line correctly this time. Alex's booming laugh hit the the table as i once again rolled my eyes.

"But seriously why are you studying here? Shouldn't you be doing something glamorous with your boyfriend?" Alex said taking another sip of his coffee. I finished the graph as i started gathering my things,

"You know he isn't some glamorous lifestyle person. He's normal." I said as i stuffed papers into folders,

"Oh yeah he just so happens to be in a really famous band. Completely normal british famous guy." Alex said mockingly. I pushed my bag further down the floor as i laughed sarcastically,

"Very funny. He isn't like that, he's a sweet guy." I said as i put my arms across my chest. Alex nodded his head as he sipped on his drink.

"Sure love." Alex said attempting a british accent. I nearly spit out my drink as i heard his terrible accent,

"What the fu.ck was that?" i said trying to hold back my laughter. Alex scratched his chin as he began speaking again,

"Bloody hell! This coffee is good mate!" Alex said in another accent. I rolled my eyes as i dropped my head,

"I'm sure that's really offensive, and really terrible." I said shaking my head at him. Alex shrugged his shoulders as he took another sip of his coffee,

"That's probably what your boyfriend sounds like." Alex said with a laugh. I watched as he began to laugh uncontrolably, his face contorting into a happy one. And for a second he looked so beautiful, the way his pink lips pulled into lines, his brown eyes turning into happy ones, and his laugh filling my ears besides the boring Starbucks music.

"He does not. And i don't know why you make fun of him." I said watching Alex relax in his seat. He sighed still smiling at me,

"It's not that im making fun of him, he just...amuses me." Alex said smiling at me. I giggled softly as i shook my head at him,

"Look, he's not as bad as you think. But you wouldn't know that cause you have a stick up your as.s about him." I retorted snarkily at him. Alex smirked obviously amused,

"I just...don't think he's a good match for you." Alex said easily. Now i was angry, my brows furrowed together as i sat straight in my seat,

"And what makes you think you know what's good for me?" I said with an obvious attitude in my voice. Alex raised his eyebrows at me,

"Look don't get mad at me for being honest. I just really don't think he's good for you. He's fu.cking famous...how is he going to keep up with you while he has shows? How is he going to spend late nights with you? Do you think he can just go out with you anywhere without fans stalking you both?" Alex said bombarding me with questions. I felt a familiar sting in my throat as i listened to Alex, and some part of me felt like he was right. I knew there were things he was going to have to take care of. I knew that some nights would be lonely when he was away. But i could handle it right? I could do this...fuc.k what Alex said.

"That's not true." I said hearing my own voice crack. Alex's eyes softened as soon as he heard the cracking in my voice.

"N-naomi i didn't mean to make you c-"

"Look, i really have to go." I said standing up from my seat. I grabbed my bag as i snatched my coffee up from the table. I made my way to the door as i felt the tears crawling down my face, the warmth of the tears fighting against the wind. As my shoes rubbed against the concrete i heard the clacking of shoes across the concrete. I knew it was him, he always wore those damn man boot shoes.

"Naomi! Come on im really sorry." Alex called from behind me. I shook his voice away as i clutched onto my bag walking faster. I found my car sitting calmly across the street as i starked all the way over throwing my bag into the passanger seat. I gripped the steering wheel a little too roughly as i just sat there. The tears ran down my face as i just stared, i don't even know why his comments got to me. It was ridiculous, i felt ridiculous. I rested my head against the wheel as i tried to calm down, things were going to be fine. Everything was going to be okay i kept repeating in my head over and over. But through the silence there was a knocking on my window. I looked up through glassy eyes, his tall figure pressed his face against the glass, "Please..Naomi, im sorry." I watched him say through the glass. I sighed running my hands through my hair. I rolled down the window shutting my eyes,

"What do you want?" I said with my eyes still shut. I heard him lower down to the opening of my window,

"Look...i'm an ass. I'm a di.ck...im really sorry." Alex said in a rushed tone. I sighed looking up at him, rubbing my eyes clear of tears.

"I'm sorry that you dislike my relationship. But you just have to get over it." I said as confidently as i could. Alex sighed running his hand through his hair,

"I'm sorry Naomi. I'm really sorry i feel like shi.t." Alex said stepping away from the window. I nodded my head sniffling as i put my car in reverse,

"I'll see you around." I said as i began pulling out of the parking space trying not to look back at Alex. I don't know why today i decided to let something like this get me. There were times where i felt this way but just the feeling of Matty kissing me made it all go away. Any doubt i had he washed it away, any fear i had he made me forget, any self doubt i had he looked over it. I sighed feeling my heart beat relaxing, i looked back into my mirror seeing Alex. His hand squeezing his hair as his head completely hung back, i sighed as i pressed my foot down on the gas getting the hell away from this.

// So i promise this is going somewhere (; and some exciting news! I MADE A TWITTER FOR THIS STORY!! GO FOLLOW IT (; :



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