// 18 //

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holy sh*t guys you got us up to 1k i am just so happy lol i feel like a kid cx MUCH MUCH love to all who have given this story a chance, i admit at first i was really nervous to write this but i did it anyways because i LOVE writing and im glad you all support and like my story(: i love and thank you all (: i hope you guys are ready for the backbone of this story and this is how it starts lol...


2 months later

I couldn't sit still anymore, the hardness of the chair was making my ass hurt. I looked over at Jordan who was furiously taking notes, i rolled my eyes. "I hate you." i whispered to Jordan who gave me a sideways glare, i regret taking this stupid music appreciation class. It was besides the fact that this class is boring but also because it made me think of Matty. I shook my head trying to focus back in on the class, i didn't need to think about him right now.

"So your assignment is to write me a essay about the influence of 90's music." I rolled my eyes, so fucking typical. I hurried up and cleaned up my little area and waited for Jordan to climb down the stairs,

"I hate you and this class." I said to her as we shut the door behind us,

"You only hate it cause you miss Matty all the damn time." I rolled my eyes,

"No, it's because he is so fucking typical. Like i could go on a rant of how the 90's influenced music." Jordan laughed,

"Oh not your famous rants." Jordan spoke in a bitchy tone as I laughed,

"Fuck you." I said to Jordan as she put her hand on my shoulder,

"Sorry George is already taking care of that." I scoffed at her response,

"Ew i don't even want to know how because you guys haven't seen each other in two months." Jordan winked at me, ew.

"Have you talked to him lately?" Jordan aked softly. I sucked in a breath of air,

"Uh.. no, not since the last time." She looked at me,

"What did he say again?" I pushed a peice of hair away from my face,

"He said he misses me more than i will ever know, i hope im being safe. And then he said see you soon love." I sighed, even the summed up version made my chest hurt, this was almost a month and a half ago. Ever since then i have not heard from Matty, i've heard from everyone else but him. As Jordan and I rounded the corner my car came into view,

"So are you going to hang out with Alex?" I smiled at the name,

"I might he said he wanted to actually hang out instead of studying." Jordan looked at me,"What?" I said throwing my hand in the air,

"Are you sure it's just hanging out?" I rolled my eyes,

"For the billionith time yes! I'm not interested in him okay, i can't even get Matty out of my head for crying out loud." She always asked me this when me and Alex hung out. He's just my friend i met about a month ago, there's nothing going on. Jordan gave me a sad smile,

"He'll come around he is the lead singer they want him a lot more the the other boys." I shook my head,

"They are just as important." I said to Jordan as she smiled,

"Of course they are just not everyone knows it." I smiled at her,

"I'm going to go, tell George i said hi." Jordan nodded to me as she made her way to her car. I plopped myself down on the seat of my car as i started it up, i felt my phone vibrate. I quickly picked it up smiling as i read the text:

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now