// 30 //

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"Come here darling." Matty mumbled through the darkness of the room. I smiled walking over to the bed already so familiar to my own room. "You have such a fluffy bed...i feel like im sinking." Matty said feeling around my bed. I laughed rolling my eyes,

"Shut up it's just a bed." I threw my legs onto the cold soft sheets searching for Matty's body hidden in my bed.

"Darling you aren't even close to me." Matty said with a heartful laugh. I sighed plopping myself down on my bed welcoming the comfort of the soft bed. As my eyes shut fingers wrapped around my wrist tuging me softly. My head turned placing a kiss against his smooth skin, "Come heree." Matty whined. I smiled pushing myself up to his body.

"Happy?" I said smiling as he snaked his hands around my waist. I snuggled into his embrace feeling Matty's breath tickling my neck.

"Yes love." Matty whispered the tips of his lips pressing against my neck. Suddenly a soft kisses were placed from my neck to my shoulders. Every inch of my kissed skin becoming a flame, I turned my head finding Matty's eyes even through the darkness of the room. Matty's large calloused hands gripped my waist even tighter than before. "I missed you so much." Matty mumbled as i turned feeling his nose touch my own.

"I missed you too Matty." I said placing a small kiss on his nose. His warm hands slipped under my overly large shirt, his fingers sliding to the middle of my back.

"Did you baby?" Matty said pecking my lips softly. I smiled nodding my head as i took in Matty's closeness. The way it felt to have his arms tightly wrapped around me holding me close.

"Yes, i couldn't get you out of my head." I said pulling my head away looking at his green eyes.

"Were you fangirling over me darling?" Matty said smirking wider than i have ever seen before. I scoffed laughing at him.

"Yes babe, i completely lost my shit over you. Like...everyday." I said laughing so hard my cheeks were hurting.

"Because im a fucking legend." Matty said wigling his eyebrows at me. I shook my head kissing him on the cheek.

"Sure." I said between kisses i began placing on his face.

"Just shut up and kiss me." Matty said pulling my lips to his. I once again felt the familar hold of his soft lips, i dug my fingers deep into his thick hair. Matty's grip never loosened on me but only grew tighter as he gripped my hips rubbing and pulling. My heart began pumping a hundred times faster as his fingers raised goosebumps all across my body. "Naomi." Matty said pullng away from me. I sat up adjusting my legs around his waist.

"Yes?" I said moving my hair out of my face. He ran his hands over his face exhaling softly,

"I'm afraid..." He murmered between our two bodies. I frowned through the darkness placing my hands on his chest.

"Afraid of what? Of being with me?" I said with a slight snap in my tone. Matty shot up from the bed sliding his hands onto my hips.

"No. No Naomi not afraid of being with you." Matty sighed shutting his eyes, I stood quiet allowing him to finish. "I know what i feel for you Naomi, and im not afraid of being with Naomi. I want to be with you all the time, i'm just afraid of...well..." Matty placed his forehead against mine never breaking out gaze. "I'm just afraid of my new feelings for you...i've never felt this way before." I watched his eyes as he spoke. They were filled with so much emotion it almost made me overwhelme just witnessing it.

"Well...what makes you so afriad? Are they bad feelings?" I said dropping my head, afraid of what he might say.

"I don't think so...no they aren't. It's just different, i've never felt this way." Matty said placing a finger under my chin lifting my head to his level. Matty held my gaze intensely and neither of us said anything. But we didn't need to, we knew the moment spoke for itself. Sitting here in the darkness of my bedroom, wrapped in each others arms, and not more than an inch apart i knew that there is no where else i wanted to be.

Matty's lips found mine and i never wanted him to let them go, his hands instantly wrapped under my thighs. A small squeal escaped my lips as a smile fell onto his lips, but we never broke the kiss. Suddenly i could no longer feel the coolness of my sheets and i felt my body being lifted. Matty's hands gripped my thighs tigther as he too stood up from my bed. Matty's kisses became more agressive as he took steps from my bed to the middle of my room. My hands wrapped around his shouders squeezing myself closer to his body. Matty released my legs and i felt the cold wood touch my feet, his hands gripped my cheeks as he sucked on the bottom of my lips. A soft whimper escpaed my lips as i stood on my toes moving my lips down his warm neck. Soft love bites trailed down his neck as groans erupted from his angelic mouth, fingers gripping roughly onto my hips. From those bites came soft sucking onto his niccotine smelling neck and that was enough for Matty. Instantly Matty pushed me back all the way to my bed my body meeting the cool sheets once again. As i felt the absence of Matty's lips i realized my lips were burning from all the kissing we had done. As my eyes fell onto Matty i noticed how lustful his stare was as he simply stood at the foot of my bed, suddenly his fingers slipped to the ends of his shirt pulling it over his head. A small gasp escaped my lips but before i could devour his appearance Matty's lips found my thighs, his hands running up and down my legs. Matty's lips trailed from my thighs to my stomach and instantly i jumped back.

"What's wrong?" Matty said looking so worried at the moment. I blushed harshly as i tugged my shirt down my stomach.

"It's a um... a long story." I panicked feeling my breathing becoming uneven. Matty inched closer to me carefully as if afraid i would snap.

"You can tell me beautiful. I'm here for you." Matty said making it clear to me that he would not judge. I sighed looking at my fingers playing with the sheets. I shut my eyes reliving the moments i've shoved so far back into my mind.

"I went to a party with my ex boyfriend...it was some stupid house party and i just went because he was always complaining how he never got to see his friends. So i went...i was drinking, smoking, just doing things because i was bored." I paused feeling the tears welling in my eyes all over again, "At one point of the night i was to fucked up to even realize what was going on, i was in some room it looked more like a closet...anyways when i came to there was this guy who was sucking on my neck. I started screaming and tried to push him off, when i got enough room to make a get away he pulled me back and i cut my stomach on bathroom sink." I stopped coming back to the room where Matty was now wiping the tears from my face. "I ended up getting twelve stitches in my stomach, had to go through therapy, and went through a shit ton of police stations to find my case wasn't 'good enough' to go through court." I sobbed wiping the tears from my own eyes furiously. "And my asshole ex blamed it all on me that im some stupid whore..." Matty jolted up grabbing my hands in his.

"Naomi listen to me right now, you know that he's a stupid fucking wanker right! You are so fucking beautiful, you are strong baby, you are so fucking perfect i cannot explain." I shook my head sniffling the remanats of my tears.

"Not with this ugly scar to remind me everyday." I said pushing the hair out of my eyes, Matty placed his hand on my face looking straight into my heart.

"People with scars are still beautiful." Matty spoke into the still darkened room, and his words were like a light to my soul.

OMG GUYS WHAT DID I TO MYSELF...ugh Matty <3333333 When he said this it literally made me cry from all my insecurites ! I decided to update early tonight just cause I felt like it lol ! Thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments you all fucking make my day like no lie (: Comment some saxy responses ?(; LOVE YOU ALL HEAPS


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