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you don't understand how afraid i was to write this

Matty POV

The lighting was heating my skin as we all stood there awaiting direction.

"We need there to be flashing lights! Where are the lights?" The director clammered from behind his little chair. I smirked turning over to Hann who was watching just as amused as i was,

"What the fu.ck is going on mate?" Adam whispered to me as the director spoke something in a foreign language.

"I don't know." I said looking over at Ross and George who were both on their phones. I smiled as the director came back to us, his thick accent running over me,

"So uh..Matthew we are going to bring the model in." He said as he snapped his fingers from behind. Through the overly large black double doors she came, a pack of make up artists and coaches following behind her. This was so familar to me and it stung deep inside, watching her walk in the way she walked out of my life. Her crowd dissapeared with the flick of her hair,

"Where do you want me?" Gemma said as she began to undo her white satin robe. I cleared my throat looking away from her as her heels clicked against the floor.

"Right over here where we can get you behind the colors were going to project." The director explained to her softening his voice. I began to look to my left strumming slowly at my guitar, she looked just the way i remember.

"You okay Matty?" Ross called from my side, i nodded awaiting the directors calls.

"So you're all going to start playing and Gemma will just react to the song's lyrics." He instructed taking a seat in his little chair. I turned to my band nodding my head as began to strum the first notes of the song, allowing the ambiance to settle in. The lights dimmed out, the blue light shining in my face as i began to lose myself in the song once again. I lost myself in the moment as i began to dance along to my own music. The slow temp coursing in my veins, the images of Naomi came flooding through to me. The way her hair fell down her back, her soft smile flashing across my mind.

"Cut!" The director yelled completely throwing me off. I immediately stopped playing looking around me, the blue and now green lights flashing across my face.

"Gemma i want you to come this way." The director instructed. She nodded and walked over to us, her heels clacking aganst the concrete floor. "Stand next to Matty and make those faces you were before." He said throwing his finger in a circular motion, "And action!" he called and the whole set begining to film us again. And so once again i began strumming along to the first opening cords. Now i was aware of her. Those long legs continued to switch her weight, her hips swaying with each motion. I began to sing trying to push her obvious presence out of my mind. But there she was, those blue eyes were knowingly mocking me, they had to be. The words flowed out of my mouth as i began to sway along with the music once again. The familar sounds of the beat began to resurface as we have practiced this over and over in the studios. My fingers instinctively began to play the main chorus, the famous lines dripping from my lips as i held onto the microphone. As i opened my eyes i saw her, sitting right below me. Her eyes looking directly up at me. Those icy blue eyes capturing my attention, i almost forgot the words but i pushed them out. I averted my gaze back to the camera finishing the last lines before the ending chorus. And as the last final lines were sung into the awkwardly empty room she turned to me. Her hands placed on my microphone as she sunk down to the floor onto her knees.

"Cut!" The assisstant director called. The lights all turned on and the same white flourescent lights harshly illuminated everyone's skin.

"How was it?" George called getting up from his drum set. He wiped off the sweat he collected with his new rag.

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