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Matty POV

I sat quietly as i listened to George and Adam bicker about where we were going to eat, my mind was drifting to all the things Naomi and i could have been doing. I ran my hands across her back earning her attention as my fingers connected with her. 

"Matty can you just decide instead of these two arguing?" Nick whined rubbing her face, I smiled over at her shurgging my shoulders, 

"Why don't we get chinese?" I said softly. Everyone looked over at me and for once in the past thirty minutes George and Adam were silent, 

"I like chinese." Noami said smiling over at me. I smirked back pulling her closer to my side, 

"I want chinese!" Jordan whined as she laid on the couch. 

"Fine chinese it is." George huffed running a hand through his messy hair. 

"Finally!" Nick exclaimed jumping off the table she sat on. As everyone began to file out i sat up taking Naomi's hand in mine. Her small fingers wrapped in my own as we made our way out of the house, in this past month Naomi and my relationship hasn't really felt like a relationship. But i was glad, i felt like nothing changed. I was still the same person, she is still the same person, we still bicker, we still argue, we still spend our days in bed, i still drop off at uni, nothing was different. 

"What are you thinking babe?" Naomi whispered as she nudged me out of my thoughts, i looked down at her, 

"Just us." I said placing a kiss on her head, i smelled the fresh scent of her ocean mist shampoo. 

"What about us?" She said as we entered the backseat of the black van, i made sure she was in correctly as i climbed in shutting the door behind me. 

"Just how happy i am that you're with me." I said lacing our hands together, the cold air of december affected Naomi's small hands. Naomi's face pulled into a smile as her cheeks reddened softly, and the sight pulled at the strings in my cold heart. 

"I love you." She said slowly, and everytime those words fell from her lips my heart thawed, everything about Naomi saying this to me, a fuck like me, made me so fucking happy. The simple fact that she loved me back was phenonminal. 

"I love you." I responded back to her squeezing her warmer hands in mine. As she rested her head on my shoulder i looked out the window seeing the many buildings pass by me. I was harboring a thought that i new the guys were on board with, i just wasn't so sure how i was going to break it Naomi. Whenever i wasn't with Naomi i was with the guys finalizing our life changing decision, and at first i was hesitant. When we had our first fight i was regretting the thought, but having Naomi as mine clouded my mind even more. As the car pulled to a final stop i shook my mind of the thoughts, 

"Food!" Adam exclaimed as he hopped off the car opening both doors, i smiled at him as he ran into the resturant. Even though he was grown, he was such a fool when it came to food. As Naomi began undoing her seatbelt i pushed myself out of the car extending my hand so she could get out as well. As we all began walking up to the resturant we were greeting with warm air and the smell of seafood and noodles. I took Naomi's waist in my hands as i directed her in front of me pushing her along the resturant as we followed Adam to our table in the back of the resturant. 

"So, i invited John and Cassie as well." Adam said clearing his throat, instantly Nick and Jordan began groaning, 

"Why?!" Nick said as she sat down, an evident pout on her face. 

"Because she's my friend, and we can't just ignore them. They live with us." Adam said sharply as we began taking our seats. My eyes fell onto Naomi's and she was watching their conversation also, i was glad she was taking steps to have a relationship with Cassandra. 

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