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I stood there dazed in the front row watching him perform. And in watching him i felt like he was giving  a part of himself to us, performing with such emotion; it felt so raw. I watched his body swing with the music and his smiles come and go, it was then i realized that he is genuinely beautiful. The way he screamed into the microphone

                                                        now everybody's dead.

 He made my breath hitch and focus on him 100 times more. The way his shoulders sagged after that line made me want to hold him. I felt adnormal things for him just watching him perform. And before i knew it my thoughts were cut off with the sound of a voice. " Los Angeles! A great bunch of uglies arent ya?" The crowd respomded with laughs or screams of


I was hypnotized with the way he spoke, the british rolling off his tounge. I was brought back when he spoke again, " I'm Matty and we are the 1975!" as soon as he finished bright lights flashed again and the final song played. The whole club seemed to be jumping and screaming the words along with Matty. I looked at the other members of the band and they seemed just as hyped as Matty. The way the all collaborated together was fascinating really. They had the power to bring the entire Club Nokia to its feet, they were really good. But all to soon the song was over and i could no longer hear Matty singing. " I just want to say we love you all individually, thank you so much! Were the 1975, and were from Manchester!" Those were the final words i heard Matty speak before he and the others left the stage. I watched him leave with his friends they  all  patted each other on the back once they got off the stage. Suddenly my hand was pulled,

"Naomi get the set list!" Jordan screamed at me, i turned my head and reached over the bars to get the paper off the stage. I stretched my hands out my fingers tapping against the platform of the stage, 

"Well hello there." I looked up to see who was the owner of the voice. He had a scruffy beard, but it suited him.

" Uh, hi i-i just wanted to get the set list." He looked at me now, he saw my body stretched out over the bars and he chuckled,

"I can see that love." Suddenly people saw him and began screaming,


He looked out into the crowd and waved. While waving he kicked the paper closer to me and i smiled at him for being so kind. He wrapped up some wires to the guitar and before leaving i screamed out a thank you, but im not sure if he heard me. "Naomi! NAOMI I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" Jordan screamed at me ripping the paper from my hands. I watched as her eyes devoured the paper, her lips smiled and her eyes brightened up as she read over the words. "Let's go try and meet them?" Jordan said to me, her eyes holding the most excitement i have ever seen. 

"I-is it even possible to meet them?" I asked scratching the back of my neck. Images of Matty flashed through my mind, instantly my heart began flutter 

"You'll never know unless you try!" Jordan sang to me as she gripped my hand pulling me back to the exit of the club. My tired feet followed Jordan's red docs 

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now