// 17 //

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Hello everyone (: i hope you all are having a good day or are going to have a good day whenever you read this (: guys i just want to thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments :D! You guys are all awesome, but don't be afraid to comment i love to read what you guys post (: SO! who has The 1975 concert tickets?(: I'm going Nov. 19 :DDDDD maybe i'll see you guys there?(:


Waking up was something i wish i didn't have to do right now, i just wanted to stay here. "Naomi." He softly whispered onto my cheek, no i don't want to go. "We have to go." Matty whispered once more placing a kiss on me.

"No we don't." I said to him wrapping my arm around his neck, a soft laugh escaped him.

"I know i don't want to either, i never want to." I sighed into his neck,

"But we must." I whispered, i could feel him nodding his head.

"What should i wear today?" I looked over at Matty smiling,

"Are you really asking me that?" i asked smirking at him. He nodded his head i smiled looking his up and down, "Hmmm...something that shows your arms." Matty raised his eyebrows,

"Ah so the ladies can see my body, i like your thinking." I rolled my eyes,

"No cause i like your tattoos! If were thinking that i'll wear booty shorts and a crop top to the ariport so all the important rich men can look at me." Matty furrowed his brows,

"Oh you are very funny Naomi, you will never wear such a thing unless you're with me." I was extremely attracted to him right now as his voice dropped into a husky tone,

"Only with you?" My voice coming in a small whisper.

"Only with me." His voice coming out strong and dominant, so sexy. All i could do was nod my head, "Naomi you need to understand something." I nodded again, "You are mine." My eyes grew wide,

"Y-yours?" Matty smiled at me pulling me close to his chest,

"Mine." His hands ran through my hair as we lied there just in silenece. Could i really be Matty's? As much as i want it could it really be true, even if i have to wait 7 months to see him again. "Love, we have to start getting dressed." I whined,

"Fiinnee." Matty laughed at me softly rolling off the bed. I watched his tall lean body walk across the room to his duffle. I didn't want him to leave, and i didn't want to watch him leave.

"Come on love before i drag you out of this bed." I smiled finally getting my ass out of bed, "Okay, so this shirt or this one?" Matty said pointing to both shirts thrown on the bed. I shook my head walking over to the bed grabbing the shirt that caught my eyes,

"Mm..this one." I said picking up a black shirt that had the word


in white crossed out in a red circle. I could already picture him in it, i smiled handing it to him. I walked back over to the other bed where my suitcase sat lonely on the bed. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans with a white plain shirt.

"I like those jeans." I heard Matty whisper i turned to him looking at his jeans, they had a rip at the knee, i looked down at mine.

"Twins." i said showing him my ripped jeans, we both smiled.

"Helllooo." the voice came from behind the door, i turned my head, "Guuyyss!" It was Jordan. I walked over to the door opening it, "Are you guys ready?" She asked looking over my shoulder, instantly my mood dropped.

"Yeah." I said turning to get my bag but Matty was already behind me with both bags in his hands.

"I got it love." He said smiling to me. I half smiled at him as we both walked out into the hallway. I looked at all of them with bags in thier hands, fuck this was going to be hard.

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now