// 47 //

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If having that encounter wasn't awkward enough, i really don't know what is. I sat a little nervously in my seat as i listened to Jordan and Nick contine on with their conversation. I watched as they smiled and explained their day to me. 

"Basically i discovered how much of a fangirl Jordan is." Nick finished explaining as Jordan was laughing obviously embarassed. 

"I never thought i woul end up here okay, i had to pretend what our relationship would be like. Of course i was obsessed." Jordan said defending herself. We all sipped causually on our coffees and lattes, 

"Is it what you imagined ?" Nick said laughing, Jordan shook her head harshly, 

"Definitely not," Jordan paused for a moment, "Is it what you expected Naomi?" She asked me. I snapped my head up, 

"Uhh...no. Not one bit." I said easily as i pressed the coffee cup to my lips. Nick and Jordan shared a scowl, 

"What's wrong?" Nick said scratching her wrist, I smiled at the brown table. 

"Nothing, why?" I said looking at the both the girls. Still sharing the same scowl. 

"You're lying. What's wrong?" Jordan said setting her cup down on the table. 

"N-nothing. I'm just tired." I said taking a bigger sip of my coffee. Nick shrugged her shoulders shooting back the rest of her latte. 

"So! What are we doing for Christmas?" Nick said changing the subject quickly. Jordan perked up, she's always loved Christmas. I on the other hand had mixed feelings about Christmas.

"Well Naomi and I usually spend it with our families. What did you have in mind?" Jordan said looking between Nick and I. Nick smiled running her fingers through her long hair, 

"Well the boys have never done Christmas in America. I was thinking we could all do something, like a secret santa. Isn't that what you do in America?" Nick said looking at us. I smiled nodding my head,

"Yeah, we do that. We can have dinner, we can get a tree, presents, it will be nice." I said suddenly engaing myself in the conversation. 

"But you said something about spending it with family?" Nick said, I smiled, 

"Well we spend it earlier than Christmas day, on Christmas day we spend it with each other." I said winking to Jordan. 

"Well then we have some planning to do!" Nick said smiling very excitedly, I watched as her eyes lit up and her smile widen around her face. 

"One second, i'm going to go get another coffee." I said as i found the bottom of my cup. I stood up walking over to the order line. As i stood paitenly in line my mind began to wonder to the holidays. I didn't realize it was that time of year again. I sighed rubbing my head as i knew an impending headache was soon to come. 

"Um miss, the line moved." A deep voice rang, i looked behind me and nearly rolled my eyes. Really.  Standing before in all black with the softest pink lips was Alex. 

"Sorry." I said moving up a few steps. Alex stood complely stone cold, his facial features not changing one bit. I swallowed hard keeping my eyes forward.

"No problem." Alex responded just as cold as he was moments ago. I sighed walking up to the counter placing the same order once again to the same barista. 

"Why are you here?" Alex said scaring me. I looked over at him, 

"Excuse me?" I said surprised, sensing his cold attitude. 

"Shouldn't you be with that boyfriend of yours?" Alex said as he to was waiting for his coffee. 

"Welll, im here with my friends." I said looking back at Nick and Jordan who were into a conversation of their own. I turned back to Alex who stood looking straight ahead, i knew it must have been at a wall. But why? Why was he acting this way towards me? 

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now