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Naomi POV

I listened to the chatter around the table as we piled on the pancakes and eggs onto our plates. I looked over to Matty who was smilig down at me, his fingers grazing over the hair on my back.

"Haven't had american pancakes in a while huh lads." Adam commented as he bit into the pancakes i made. I smiled swallowing the food,

"You're welcome." I said with a smile on my face, Adam smirked as he stuffed his face. I looked over to George who was whispering something into her ear. His long fingers running down the espanse of her stomach, nothing was showing but i knew sooner or later there would be a full blown stomach underneath her shirt.

"So! Am i having a niece or nephew?" Nick said clapping her hands together. Everyone smiled across the table their eyes looking over to George and Jordan. Jordan's eyes lit up as she looked over to George,

"Well, i want a little girl. But, this one wants a boy." George said placing his arm around Jordan. Jordan huffed smiling at George,

"Either way, we don't know yet. But, either which ever gender it is we will be happy with." George said smiling over to us. And for a moment his eyes weren't stressed, tired, or afraid. They were happy, bright, and hopeful. Both of their eyes sparkled as they spoke, even though the evident fear and turbulence expected to come they both still love each other just like before.

"So what's this talk of John and Cass flying in?" Nick said once again piping up the conversation. I smiled over at the fact that Nick and Cassandra were becoming friends,

"Is my girlfriend being nice?" Ross said setting his cup of tea down on the table. Nick rolled her eyes flicking his chest.

"Piss of Ross, Cassandra...she's..she is nice." Nick said a little awkardly. Ross laughed heartily,

"You two go from nearly kil.ling each other to sending each other snapchats. Brill babe." Ross said placing a kiss on her cheek. Nick laughed as she snuggled into his touch,

"Well aside from your newfound friendship, John and Cassandra are flying in tonight." Matty said finishing up his plate.

"They're going to stay here till the show, and break the news to them." George said looking down at Jordan. Jordan said smiling softly,

"Speaking of the show, we're all going out to go buy outfits, so clean this mess up." Nick said standing up from the table. I smiled at her dominance and the quickness in the reaction the boys had to her. Matty ran his fingers across my cheek as he picked up my plate as well, i thanked him silently as he walked to the sink.

"So we really are going shopping right?" Jordan said pushing her seat out further,

"Yes of course, i have absoultely nothing to wear." Nick said pushing her chair out as she stood. I sighed as i pushed myself out of the chair tugging on the sweater i took from Matty. I walked over to Matty running my hands across his back,

"I'll see you when i get home?" I said into his back, my lips pressing soft kisses into his back. I heard his small laugh as he nodded,

"I'll miss you love." He called moving slowly in my arms, my cheeks pulled into a smile as i wrapped them across his chest,

"I'll be home before you csn finish a bottle of wine." I said turning my head to see the big grin on his face. He turned his head placing a kiss on my face,

"You sure about that love?" He said teasingly, i nodded my head detaching myself from him.

"Yes, see you soon babe." I said placing a kiss on his lips as i hurried out the door. I took myself out to the driveway heading into the car as Jordan and Nick were just getting in.

She Way Out // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now