// 46 //

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I just wanted to update because ily guys and i feel bad about my self promotion ): lol 


I will never get tired of the sight in front of me. Matty lied in a deep sleep against my purple sheets, his breathing heavy but labored. I ran my fingers across his shoulders down to his fingers, my own fingers tracing over the contents of his. I smiled as he stirred underneath my touch, 

"Mmm...what time is it love?" Matty muttered in a groggy voice, i looked over at my clock, it was six in the morning. 

"Too early for you to be up." I responded with a laugh, Matty groaned. 

"Why do you do this to me?" Matty whined as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled against his chest as he pulled me ontop of him. 

"I only do this because i have school, in like two hours." I said smiling at his sleepy face. Matty nodded his head under me, 

"And it takes you two hours to get ready?" Matty said, still his sleepy eyes shut. I smiled shaking my head,  

"No, but it takes me a bit to shower and get ready. Then eat, then i leave to school and then theres traffic." I said trailing off. Matty's eyes opened slowly, the redness circling around his darkened eyes. 

"I can get up for a shower." Matty whispered huskily into my ear. His calloused fingers running down my waist to the bottom of my arse, his hands cupping it roughly. A small squeal left my lips but Matty's mouth was there to silence me, his rough kiss finishing up my waking up process. Matty rose from my bed pushing the both of us to an up right position. My legs circled around Matty's waist, his hands still gripping and tugging on my bottom. I took this chance to snake my hands around his neck pulling us even closer. An evidnt growl escaped Matty's lips as i began to rock my hips against him, i smirked as i began tugging on his lips with my teeth. Matty grunted as his fingers ran up to my hair, his fingers finding their own locks to pull on. "Darling it'd be best for you to get out of this bed before i finish what you started." Matty growled in my ear as his teeth pulled roughly on my ear. I shut my eyes in pleasure as i let what he said resonate in me. As much i wish to venture further into what Matty promised i knew i would be late for school. We both untangled from one another and the loss of warmth hit me like a ton of bricks. I scurried into the shower turning on the warm water, as i stripped of my clothing and stepping into the warm haven. 


"Tell me something love." Matty began as he drove me to campus, "Why are you so gorgeous?" I looked at Matty. Most likely with a full on tomato face, he was seldom this way. But whenever he was he always had a goofy grin on his face. 

"Why do you ask questions i don't have answers to?" I said smiling over at him. Matty laughed a deep hearty laugh and my ears rang in the presence of it. 

"I love you Naomi." Matty said reaching for my hand, instantly i took his. As our fingers intertwined a rush of butterflies crawled over me. 

"I love you too Matty." I said to him. As Matty came to a stop i looked around noticing that we were at my campus. I undid my seatbelt and grabbed my computer bag, "I'll see you later." I said to Matty as i reached over the console to place a kiss on his lips. 

"Surprise! Nick and Jordan are you taking you out for a girls day." Matty said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I looked at him in confusion but still smiled at him, 

"Okay then. I'll see you when i get home." I said leaning in for another kiss. Matty happily obliged to my kiss as his fingers ran over my cheek. 

"See you soon darling." Matty said placing a soft kiss to my forehead, i waved goodbye as i exited the car. As i began my walk to my first lecture i ran face first into a chest, 

"Fuck!" the other person said. I looked up rubbing my forehead, and as we met eyes i nearly ran away. "Wow...i thought you fell off the face of the earth Naomi." Alex said. I didn't know what to say, i turned my head seeing Matty still sitting in the car, 

"Uhh..n-no i'm still here." I said quickly, i ran my fingers through my hair. But as i was about to walk away soft fingers gripped my chin, i froze. 

"Since when did you get that?" Alex asked, obviously referring to my nose ring. I jumped back instantly remembering Matty was still in the car. 

"Uhh, just a little while ago." I said and now my legs moved away from him, but luck was not on my side today. 

"Wait! Naomi wait!" Alex called after me, his hand hooked with my arm. I stopped closing my eyes exhaling a shaky breath, "Somethings different about you." Alex said practically scanning my face. I looked over to my left seeing that Matty was driving away, 

"N-no nothings different." I said giving him a quick smile, Alex let go of my arm and smiled down at me. 

"Yes. And i'm pretty sure it's because you patched things up with that boyfriend of yours." Alex said smirking, my eyeballs nearly popped out. How could he have known, i haven't seen Alex for what seemed like ages. "I'll see you around Naomi." Alex said grabbing my chin one last time, his dazzling spakred me nothing more than intimidating. And we both departed from one another, i however much more dazed than he. 

I bet you all forgot about him (; 

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