// 23 //

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How is everyone doing?(: i hope you all are doing good ! So guys who else saw the picture of Matty with a baby?!?!?! Cutest shit ever <3 Btw guys dont be afraid to comment, i love reading comments! Comment anything you want (: Love you all heaps 


"He told me he loves me..." The words fell from her quivering mouth, i couldn't understand why she was crying. Her hands were wrapped around her waist as she sat on my bed rocking back and forth, her hair was a mess, and her make up was running down her cheeks. 

"If he told you i love you then why are you crying?" I asked Jordan, doesn't she love George back? 

"I just don't know what to think or feel. I mean before all of this i was like i fucking love him so much and shit, but now...it's really happening."  Her eyes never moved from her phone sitting in between her legs, i understood her. Not necesarily in the same way because i never knew who Matty was but the whole fact that this, this fucking mess is really happening has me at a loss for words. "I do like him a lot i really do and i miss George so much Naomi, i think about him all the time and always check my phone to see if he texted me or missed his call. I just don't know if i love him yet." 

I nodded my head rubbing her leg, i know the feeling very well. "Well if you are questioning your love maybe you just don't love him yet, and one day you will. But whatever you do don't force it, i know George hasn't forced his feelings for you. So don't do it to him." I looked at Jordan her eyes finally met mine, tears still welled in her eyes. "What did you say when he told you?" I asked her

"I asked him if he was sure that he loves me, and he said yes and then i hung up. I feel so stupid!" I watched Jordan roll her eyes and sniff back the tears, i felt bad for her. "Have you heard anything from Matty?" Jordan asked quitely, he was a very touchy subject still. I sighed putting my hands on my face

"No, nothing." It was my turn to not make eye contact, it has been two weeks since he left me that present. Since then i have not heard anything from Matty, and i was upset. After my whole talk with Alex i just thought about what to do about Matty. I know i still like him, hell i liked him way more than i should have. But i also knew that he liked me to, and he was not talking to me.  For what reasons, i have no idea. 

"Don't be mad at him Naomi, he's just really busy okay? And when he does talk to you he always makes it memorable. When he comes back i know it will all be worth it." Jordan said patting my leg. I knew this is what she was going to say. I knew she was going to defend him. 

"How do you know that Jordan? He doesn't even talk to me for crying out loud!" I exclaimed throwing my pillow off my bed. I was just so fed up with not hearing from him, was it really that fucking difficult?! Jordan gave me a sideways glance, 

"Well if you're soooo fed up with him, then forget about him." I snapped my eyes at her harshly, i hated when she did that. "Matty said so himself, all you have to do is not answer his calls or texts. You don't even have to go his show." I sunk my head, "You even have someone who is interested in you. So what's stopping you if so you are so fucking fed up?" I sighed, she was fucking right. It's not like he was in the same town as me, he was fucking hundreds of miles from me. He's not coming back for months, it's all feesible. And there's Alex, i could have something with him. Maybe even someone completely different. 

"Oh now you don't want to talk?" Jordan said obviously annoyed with my attitude, and i was sorry. I can only imagine how annoying i must be right now, all needy and shit. Especially my negative attitude. "You need to snap out of it, live your life Naomi. Aren't you happy for the guys?" I looked at her again. 

"Of course i'm happy for them they are playing fucking festivals for fucks sake, they are on all the interviews, they are getting big." I confessed, even though it was hard to see Matty so far away from me i was so happy that he was living his dream. And not only his dream he's living George's dream, Ross's dream, and Adam's dream. How could i not be anything more than happy. "Then fucking be happy. You know how Matty feels about you Naomi, and you know he isn't going to spill you bullshit. Matty isn't like that and you aren't like that. There's obviously something between you two." 

"I hate you." i said with a smirk on my face, she was fucking right. She's always fucking right. I thought back to the day of the airport, i remembered the way Matty held on so tight to my hand. It was like he was afraid to let go, and i remember the way he looked into my eyes. It seemed that he was trying to savor every moment we had left. And i know i was doing the same, i never took my eyes off of him because i didn't want to miss a second we had. I never wanted to let go of him because i knew he would be leaving, and i hated that feeling.  

"You only hate me because im right bitch." Jordan said smiling back at me. "Now seriously snap out of your shit and be happy." We both began laughing as we eased the tension that was once between us. If Jordan would have left too i don't know what i would have fucking done. I probably would've gone fucking insane, im glad i have her. "What time do you have work?" She asked playing with my bed sheets, i looked back to the clock on my night stand. It read 10:30. 

"Fuck, i have to get ready in an hour." I said throwing myself back onto my bed, work was the last thing i wanted to think about. With school getting into the core of its circulum i have been so backed up with my stupid work. 

"Okay this might be a bad idea to ask you but can you please come out with me tonight?" I looked over at Jordan, she did this on purpose. "Not that i looked up your schedule but umm, i can pick you up at 8:30 and we can go out to eat and then go to this club i wanted to go to." I sighed...i had nothing better to do. 

"Sure, where is this club at?" I asked getting off my bed. Jordan hurried off my bed 

"Oh no no, let me get you ready." Jordan grabbed my hand setting myself on the seat of my vanity. I rolled my eyes just allowing her to work her magic on my tired body. Jordan grabbed my flat iron running it against my unruly curly hair. I watched as she walked in circles around my body adding make up to my face, fixing the dress she picked out for me, and smelling the perfume she doused me in. I took another look into my vanity seeing someone who was not me. The girl looking back at me had confidence, where i lacked. Her hair framed her stunning face, my face was lifeless and grey. Her smile was full and lively, where mine were shortlived and forced. 

"God damn i am awesome." Jordan said sitting back on my bed. "You are going to get all the guys up in there." She said as she continued to stare at me. I scoffed shaking my head, 

"I can't even get the guy i want to talk to me. I am really not worried about anyone else." I got up from my vanity stepping into the daringly high heels and smoothed out my red dress. I walked over to the bedside looking at Jordan, "So i guess you picking me up from work means you're giving me a ride too?" I said smiling. I heard Jordan groan but she got up, i laughed grabbing my purse and phone walking out my room to Jordan's car. 

"This better mean you're gunna get shit faced and im going to have so much fun with drunk Naomi." I smiled getting in the car entertaining the thought. Getting shit faced could be pretty fun, it would definitely take my mind off of Matty for a while. 

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