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Naomi POV

His fingers pushed the strap of my shirt down my arm. A small smile fell onto my face as i brushed his hands away, 

"Are you still mad love?" Matty murmured  as he stepped closer to me. I watched as his eyes turned hooded, 

"You don't even know what i'm mad about."I said as i huffed softly. Matty reached into his back pocket pulling out a carton of cigarettes. He motioned his hand to me but i shook my head no, 

"Then lets talk about it." He said as he lit the cigarette. I nodded my head as i took a seat on the bed. Matty leaned himself on the couch that was in the corner of the room. "Go ahead and tell me what's on your mind love." I took a deep breath as he waited for me to continue. His lips wrapping around the white stub, sucking gently as i knew the smoke was piling in his lungs. 

"Last night do you remember anything? Anything at all?" I began nervously. I could feel my palms beginning to sweat as i watched him. Matty thought for a moment as the smoke left his lips, his eyes looking to the side, 

"Nothing more than coming home, a little conversation with you, and the passing out." He said easily reaching behind him to the mug that must have been cold by now. I sighed as i nodded my head, of course that's all he remembered, 

"Are you sure that's all you remember?" I asked once more, Matty smirked as he nodded, 

"Yes love. What's all this questioning about last night?" He said as he took another sip from his cup. I sighed looking down, i should just tell him...just say it. I had an internal battle for few more seconds before i shut my eyes. My nerves nearly eating myself alive, 

"Then you don't remember saying Gemma's name in your sleep?" I nearly squeaked out. I looked up at Matty, his pink smirking lips falling into a thin straight line. Something in those green eyes changed to a paleness, he knew what i was talking about. I felt it in my gut he knew exactly what i was talking about, the sudden change in his expression, the look in his eyes, hell even his posture was different from the slumpy relaxed position to an upright stiffness. 

"Naomi i-i..." He began but words were failing him. I scoffed feeling a pricking in my throat, 

"You lied. You knew you said her name. Why did you lie?" I said feeling my brows furrow at him. I watched as he stood up from his seat, he dumped his cigarette in his drink carelessly. 

"I-i didn't lie." He said running his hands through his hair. I shook my head looking away from him, 

"Yes you did. You just did! You said you don't remember saying anything about Gemma, but just now me saying her name you knew you did." I said not believing any of this was happening. 

"Naomi I...i don't know what to say." Matty croaked out, his eyes looked down casting the obvious battle of emotions he was feeling. I shut my eyes momentarily, 

"Just tell me the truth Matty." I whispered to him. Our eyes finally met, and what i saw nearly made me run away. Fear laced in his eyes as i waited his respose, his large hand ran over his mouth as he sighed. I could hear my heart thumping in my chest as i watched him, my fingers clutching the bed sheets under me, 

"I want you to know that i was going to tell you Naomi. Okay?" He began, and his words didn't soothe me. They didn't make anything better, they just made it worse. I took my lips between my teeth as i nodded my head allowing him to continue, "I guess i was just erm...drunk when i said her name. I promise you nothing, absolutely nothing is going on between us." He rushed out lowering to his knees, his eyes meeting mine. I didn't know wether to believe him, i wanted to. I wanted to just forget this, but i just couldn't. This wasn't some little slip up, this was Gemma fu.cking Janes. She wasn't some random person Matty happened to bump into. She was his past, she knows things about him i didn't, she had a hold on him like no other. "She is the model chosen for the Medicine music video, it wasn't my choice but there's nothing i can do about it." He finally rushed out. For a split second i felt anger wash over me, but it was drowned by insecurities. Of course she's the model, she's damn gorgeous. "Naomi please say something." Matty whined placing his hand on my knee. I gasped slightly at his touch as i looked down at his hand, 

"Is that what you were trying to tell me before you fell asleep?" I said looking up at him. His face merely inches away from mine, 

"Yes, i'm sorry i was pi.ss drunk darling. That's all that i wanted to tell you because you deserve to know." He said running his fingers up and down my leg. I felt his warmth expanding over to me as we locked eyes, sadness and hurt floated through them. 

"Please Matty, don't lie to me. Please." I begged as i placed my forehead on his. I felt his breath fan out over my face as his arms held onto my neck. I metled into his touch as the smell of niccotine was fresh on his breath, 

"I love you Naomi. Please remember that." He whispered against my skin. I nodded my head as i wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. "I know that we aren't very traditional love. I know im not some sap, im no Ross. I'm not some crazy romantic like George, and i know damn well i'm not so affectionate like John. But i love you, in my own crazy fuc.king way." Matty said placing kisses all along my face, trailing down to my jaw line. 

"I love you Matty." I breathed out as his fingers tightened on my neck, he ran his nose back to the bottom of my lips. Our eyes never letting go of one anothers. their veridian intensity heating up my cold heart. His lips began coming closer to mine and instictively i shut my eyes awaiting their familiar soothing touch. In a matter of seconds i was granted my stress reliever, his soft pinks were touching mine so softly. This kiss was different, it was filled with emotion. It was as if his lips were speaking the words that failed to be spoken. His hands ran into my hair as he pulled me off the bed into his lap, his touch was dominant and hard but his lips were the perfect soft counter balance to it all. His free hand slid across my thighs cupping my arse as i began pulling on his dark curls, 

"Naomi." Matty groaned against my lips as i slipped my tongue into his mouth, a small smile spreading against my lips. 

"I love you." I murmured as he dropped his other hand from my hair holding on tight to my arse, his touch sending heat through me like a damn wild fire. I rolled my tongue against Matty's as his fingers gripped and squeezed me. A small moan escaping my lips, but Matty's sweet lips stopped any further noise. Their softness captured me as we moved in sync, every fall of our lips quickly met with the connection of another kiss. 

"I love you darling." Matty whispered as he pulled away so slowly, the feeling of his lips puling away only made me want to kiss him harder. I saw his smile pull onto his cheeks as his hands traveled to the curve in my waist, his thumbs running circles around my skin. "I'm sorry...i hope you know that." he said to me. I watched as his hand cupped my chin as i nodded, "You're my whole world, and as much as it scares me to admit it...i'd never want to lose you." Matty mumbled as he held me close. His arms wrapping against my waist as the feeling was a little foreign to me. For a moment i didn't realize what was going on but then it clicked. My arms tightened around his neck as i nuzzled my face into his neck. His arms nearly squeezing me to death but the feeling of us being this close again after a near shit storm was so comfortable. I never want him to let me go, as his fingers ran up and down my back. 

// im sorry if this is shit but im verrrryyy pissed atm, but i wanted to make this a little bit happy for my sake (: i hope you guys like this little chapter, only a look into where this is going <3 


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